Crash with (some) symbols in tempo indications

• Apr 22, 2010 - 11:46
S2 - Critical

I am trying to insert a tempo indication (actually a tempo change) as "<minim_symbol> = <minim_symbol><dot-symbol>" and I consistently get a programme crash.

My system: Windows XP, MuseScore rev. 2987 of branch 0.9.6

1) Open the attached score (an empty, piano only, score)
2) Double-click on "Andante" to edit the text and delete all the text
3) Open the symbol palette (F2), click the minim symbol, close the symbol palette
4) Type the text: " = "
5) Open the symbol palette, click the minim symbol and the dot symbol, close the symbol palette
6) Click outside the text to de-select it
7) MuseScore crashes.

I have not tried under Ubuntu (on it I have the trunk, not the branch).


Attachment Size
TestTempo.mscx 7.57 KB


Your series of steps does not crash for me. However the following crashes consistently for me:

  1. Open "TestTempo.mscx"
  2. Double click "Andante" to start text entry mode
  3. Edit > Select All
  4. From the F2 palette add a minum (half note)
  5. File > Reload
  6. Repeat steps 2 - 4 above

--> Crash

(Tested using r. 2990 nightly, Windows 7)

See also #2159: Text font crash (regression)

Status (old) active fixed

I also cannot reproduce original bug.
#1: Reload does not handle the open F2 text palette right. Fixed in r2998.