Add or modify text in a frame followed by playback start causes a crash
Nigthly 1229937/ Windows7
1) Choose the first template "Treble Clef" -> Next -> Finish
2) Add -> Frames -> Insert Vertical Frame
3) Right-click -> Add -> Text or Title (but it's not necessary at this step to add really text or title)
4) Escape
5) Start playback
Result: crash
- Other example:
1) Open "My First Score"
2) Double-click (for Edit mode) on "Title" -> Ctrl +A
3) Simply change the size, or the font, or change the character (italics, etc.)
4) Escape
5) Start playback
Result: crash
After checking, this issue occurs today.
- It works fine with this Nightly: 0391880
- But not with this one, encompassing two commits: 1229937
For now, I don't know what and where happens.
Fixed in branch master, commit 1dad6e284e
fix #73716: Add or modify text in a frame followed by playback start causes a crash
It should also fix the display of numbers while playing scores with bass notes in tab.
Indeed, the two issues are resolved together by this single fix. Astonishing (for me... I had not understood the link between the two... Now, many more!) Thank you.
Now, it's a pity: it remains the problem of the cursor navigation in Tabs and Voice 2 (and upper) to completely enjoy this great feature.
Are you referring to #69866: The cursor navigation stops at each measure end in Tab staff when voices > 1? I'll take a look at that.
Yes, of course, I am referring to this.
Thanks to take a look, because with the new feature for bass notation, this bug becomes really suddenly a disability. To input these "extra" basses, you must use, inevitably, the Tab staff and the keyboard (arrows etc.) So, you are plunged into the heart of the subject... :(
I founded a workaround (the "R" key, to "cross" the next measure, and so on at each measure...) but it breaks the mood! More seriously, I think that it is really not reasonable to let act this bug at this inconvenience level in the entering of bass strings.
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.