MuseScore 2.0.2 in Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) crashes shortly after startup

• Sep 12, 2015 - 22:57

Hi all,

I've installed MuseScore 2.0.2 (revision 3543170) on my Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (Trusty) system, running
Linux kernel version 3.16.0-49-generic x86_64 and Qt library version 5.3.0. My machine is a Dell Inspiron laptop with a Intel Core i7-5500 CPU with 16 GB of RAM and a 1 TB hard disk with a 650 GB Linux partition. The install was made via apt-get using the Launchpad PPA ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable, so it's supposed to be the latest stable version.

However, the program crashes after a few minutes of use without apparent reason, no matter which commands I use (if I don't do anything and just leave the program running, nothing happens). Running the program in debug mode shows only that the program terminates with a segmentation fault - there seems to be no abnormal debug messages before the segmentation fault.

Any help with this is appreciated. I'm trying to migrate from Sibelius to MuseScore and I have a lot of .sib scores exported to MusicXML I'd like to use / edit within MuseScore.


The problem could be due to a problem with the MusicXML generated by Sibelius then, or with how MuseScore imports it. If you can come up with a specific score and precise steps to reproduce the problem, that would be extremely helpful.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hmm... Not really. The problem happens in the same way if I create a new score from scratch. All I do in this case is to create the score using the new score wizard. The score is created, OK, but after a while, no matter what I'm doing with it, the program crashes.

Sometimes, the program crashes even within a few seconds after startup, before I have the chance to do anything. This happens even if I start with the -F option to reset to factory settings. I don't know if it helps, but the first message appearing at the terminal when this happens and I start MuseScore using a shell command (no debug mode) looks like this:

/home/plaurids> musescore
initScoreFonts 0x304a6e0
init Help from:
cannot setup data for help engine: Cannot open collection file: /usr/share/mscore-2.0/manual/doc_pt_BR.qhc
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Again, this also happens if I start the command in factory reset mode (-F option).

Curiously, I've just noticed my MuseScore installation didn't create a /manual folder under /usr/share/mscore-2.0 (which seems to explain the above message), so this might be related somehow to the crashing behavior. Any ideas?

In reply to by plaurids

Firstly, thank you for actually reading the handbook and trying some sensible solutions on your own before asking for help! Not everyone takes the time to do that...

The missing manuals are a known issue but shouldn't cause any problems. However, if you could try one of the new nightly builds for Ubuntu, these include the manuals so let me know if that solves it for you. If so I can try repackaging with the manual.

Also, do you have any other versions of MuseScore installed? Maybe one you compiled from source?

Finally, if 2.0.0 worked for you, you should be able to revert back to it using:

sudo apt-get remove musescore
sudo apt-get install musescore=2.0.0+dfsg1-0ubuntu~trusty1

(It might try to auto-update to 2.0.2 so see this AskUbuntu question for ways to stop that happening.)

In reply to by shoogle

Thanks for the tips shoogle,

Version 1.3 of MuseScore (which is the one currently installed by Ubuntu if I don't add the PPA) was actually working with no problems during the short time I used it. I decided to upgrade to 2.0.2 because there was a lot of missing features in 1.3, and my MusicXML files imported from Sibelius were sometimes badly scrambled when opened in MuseScore 1.3 (the flies were imported from Sibelius 7.0.2 for Mac running OSX Yosemite using the Dolet 6 plugin, which seems one of the best methods around). If I have to re-adjust almost every score element in a tens-of-pages long score, this kind of defeats the point of importing...

I haven't tried version 2.0.0 yet and I'm always a bit wary of using nightlies, but I'll try your two suggestions to see how they work out. I'll let you all know the results soon...

In reply to by plaurids

I don't think 1.3 is causing any problems. It should have been removed automatically when you upgraded.

You said you tried mscore -F already so there shouldn't be any preferences left over. However, I just remembered this bug report about a file not being deleted on a reset. Maybe try deleting the file manually and doing another reset?

It's good to be wary of nightlies in general, but they happen to be very stable at the moment. Just remember not to save anything that you open with the nightly or normal versions of MuseScore won't be able to read it.

In reply to by shoogle

Hi shoogle,

I don't believe it to be clutter left from version 1.3 either. I purged version 1.3 and deleted the .config/MuseScore folder manually, so there should be nothing left of it.

Purging 2.0.2, manually deleting the .config/MuseScore folder, reinstalling 2.0.2 and starting it with "musescore -F" via shell doesn't help either.

Moreover, the (latest?) nightly build


presented exactly the same behaviour as 2.0.2 (i.e. a segmentation fault within seconds after startup). It also still complains about the missing file /usr/share/mscore-nightly-2.1/manual/doc_pt_BR.qhc - the folder /manual is there, but the file doc_pt_BR.qhc indeed is still missing, as is any other file of the kind doc_(language).qhc. I don't believe this is causing the crashes either, though, after reading the links you've sent me.

I couldn't install 2.0.0 - apt-get says that version 2.0.0+dfsg1-0ubuntu~trusty1 is missing from the PPA:

/home/plaurids> apt-cache madison musescore
 musescore | 2.0.2+dfsg-1ubuntu1~trusty2 | trusty/main amd64 Packages
 musescore | 1.3+dfsg-1 | trusty/universe amd64 Packages
 musescore | 1.3+dfsg-1 | trusty/universe Sources

Is there another PPA where I can get version 2.0.0? In the mean time, I've downgraded to 1.3, which is stable but a bit too limited for my purposes.

In reply to by plaurids

Interesting. I'm not sure what the problem is but I'll keep thinking.

In the meantime, 2.0.0 is available in the PPA, but perhaps it wont install via apt-get since it's not the most recent version. You can manually download and install it from this page:…

Click the arrow next to the package to expand it and download the DEB files called "musescore-common" and "musescore" (either 32bit or 64bit depending on your system). Make sure the stable PPA is in your list of sources and then double click on musescore-common to install it via Ubuntu Software Centre, then do the same with musescore. Finally, remove the stable PPA to prevent an automatic upgrade to 2.0.2.

In reply to by plaurids

This appears to be related to the Start Center. When I run musescore, the Start Center appears before the program crashes.

I have been able to work around this problem by specifying an existing score on the command-line to open (which bypasses the start center), and then disabling the start center in the Preferences.

I haven't been able to get a good backtrace for this crash, because my binary (installed from the Ubuntu PPA) lacks debug symbols.

In reply to by Ken Bloom

@Ken: hopefully Jojo's suggestion will fix it for you, but if you want to find the root cause of the issue then you could compile a debug version yourself.…

You'll need to modify the build commands as follows:

make revision
make SUFFIX="-debug" LABEL="Debug Build" debug
sudo make SUFFIX="-debug" LABEL="Debug Build" installdebug

I'm reluctant to make the PPA nightlies debug builds because of the large executable size (~200MB compared to ~20MB for a non-debug build) and the fact that they auto-update.

In reply to by shoogle

Here's what I've got for a backtrace.

#0  0x00007fff7070a5ee in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x00007ffff7dea13a in call_init (l=, argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffddf8, 
    env=env@entry=0x7fffffffde08) at dl-init.c:78
#2  0x00007ffff7dea223 in call_init (env=, argv=, argc=, 
    l=) at dl-init.c:36
#3  _dl_init (main_map=main_map@entry=0x3861e50, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffddf8, env=0x7fffffffde08) at dl-init.c:126
#4  0x00007ffff7deec70 in dl_open_worker (a=a@entry=0x7fffffffa3d8) at dl-open.c:577
#5  0x00007ffff7de9ff4 in _dl_catch_error (objname=objname@entry=0x7fffffffa3c8, 
    errstring=errstring@entry=0x7fffffffa3d0, mallocedp=mallocedp@entry=0x7fffffffa3c0, 
, args=args@entry=0x7fffffffa3d8) at dl-error.c:187
#6 0x00007ffff7dee3bb in _dl_open (file=0x3861dd8 "/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/", mode=-2147483646,
caller_dlopen=, nsid=-2, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffddf8, env=0x7fffffffde08) at dl-open.c:661
#7 0x00007ffff137c02b in dlopen_doit (a=a@entry=0x7fffffffa5f0) at dlopen.c:66
#8 0x00007ffff7de9ff4 in _dl_catch_error (objname=0x23d8710, errstring=0x23d8718, mallocedp=0x23d8708,
operate=0x7ffff137bfd0 , args=0x7fffffffa5f0) at dl-error.c:187
#9 0x00007ffff137c62d in _dlerror_run (operate=operate@entry=0x7ffff137bfd0 ,
args=args@entry=0x7fffffffa5f0) at dlerror.c:163
#10 0x00007ffff137c0c1 in __dlopen (file=, mode=) at dlopen.c:87
#11 0x00007ffff6f736b1 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#12 0x00007ffff6f6db8b in QLibrary::load() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#13 0x00007ffff263a114 in WebCore::PluginPackage::fetchInfo() () at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:300
#14 0x00007ffff2565e96 in WebCore::PluginPackage::createPackage(WTF::String const&, long const&) ()
at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:300
#15 0x00007ffff25642e8 in WebCore::PluginDatabase::refresh() () at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:300
#16 0x00007ffff2564b1d in WebCore::PluginDatabase::installedPlugins(bool) () at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:300
#17 0x00007ffff21044dc in PlatformStrategiesQt::getPluginInfo(WebCore::Page const*, WTF::Vector&) () at ./wtf/Vector.h:300
#18 0x00007ffff24b91ae in WebCore::PluginData::PluginData(WebCore::Page const*) () at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:300
#19 0x00007ffff249e7d0 in WebCore::Page::pluginData() const () at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:300
#20 0x00007ffff24b9589 in WebCore::DOMPluginArray::length() const () at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:300
#21 0x00007ffff2b06add in WebCore::jsDOMPluginArrayLength(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::PropertyName) ()
at ../WTF/wtf/Vector.h:51
#22 0x00007ffff26596c4 in JSC::PropertySlot::getValue(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::PropertyName) const ()
at runtime/Structure.h:185
#23 0x00007ffff32522d4 in JSC::JSValue::get(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::PropertyName, JSC::PropertySlot&) const ()
at runtime/JSCJSValueInlines.h:143
#24 0x00007ffff351b5e7 in JSC::LLInt::getByVal(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::JSValue) ()
at ../WTF/wtf/RefCounted.h:196
#25 0x00007ffff3514dd7 in llint_slow_path_get_by_val (exec=0x7fffcabfe428, pc=0x7fffc8616b68)
at llint/LLIntSlowPaths.cpp:1068
#26 0x00007ffff351dff9 in llint_op_get_by_val () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
---Type to continue, or q to quit---
#27 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

In reply to by Ken Bloom

Thanks very much for this. There do seem to be lots of references to web components. I'm not familiar with that part of the code but hopefully this will mean something to somebody.

Did JoJo's suggestion of starting MuseScore with the -w option and then disabling the Start Centre in Preferences → General do anything for you?

Edit: our posts crossed. I see that -w worked but did you try disabling the Start Centre in preferences? Was it a permanent fix?

Ciao plaurids,
can you please try to run MuseScore inside gdb?
In this way you can obtain a stack trace which can be extremely useful since the debug mode is not showing anything interesting.
1- Install MuseScore 2.0.2
2- Run in the terminal gdb mscore
3- Inside gdb run the instruction run -d
4- Reproduce the crash in MuseScore
5- Inside gdb run the instruction bt
6- Copy and paste the output of the backtrace in a post here.
From the backtrace we can hopefully identify what is going wrong.
Thank you for your collaboration.


In reply to by ABL

Hello everybody!

I've also installed MuseScore 2.0.2 (revision f551dc11) on Linux Mint 17.1 (based on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (Trusty) system), running Linux kernel version 3.16.0-49-generic x86_64 and Qt library version 5.3.0.

As I am experiencing exactly the same bug, (and found my meantime-solution in the same workaround), I hope I can help identifying what is going wrong, by fulfilling the request posted by Antonio BL.

So here is my output of the backtrace running and crashing MuseScore by opening the startcenter inside gdb:

parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7susb5b9b13>, handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (1379)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7susb5#9>, handle = <7><#9>
parse: HChord = (1129)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <13susb5#9>, handle = <13><#9>
parse: HChord = (1641)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <13sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7susb5#9b13>, handle = <7><#9>
parse: HChord = (1385)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7sus#5>, handle = <7><#5>
parse: HChord = (1313)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <13sus#5>, handle = <13><#5>
parse: HChord = (1829)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <13sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7sus#5#11>, handle = <7><#11><#5>
parse: HChord = (1377)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <13sus#5#11>, handle = <13><#11><#5>
parse: HChord = (1893)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <13sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <9sus#5>, handle = <9><#5>
parse: HChord = (1317)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <9sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <9sus#5#11>, handle = <9><#11><#5>
parse: HChord = (1381)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <9sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7sus#5b9>, handle = <7><#5>
parse: HChord = (1315)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <13sus#5b9>, handle = <13><#5>
parse: HChord = (1827)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <13sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7sus#5b9#11>, handle = <7><#11><#5>
parse: HChord = (1379)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <13sus#5b9#11>, handle = <13><#11><#5>
parse: HChord = (1891)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <13sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7sus#5#9>, handle = <7><#5><#9>
parse: HChord = (1321)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <13sus#5#9#11>, handle = <13><#11><#5><#9>
parse: HChord = (1897)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <13sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7sus#5#9#11>, handle = <7><#11><#5><#9>
parse: HChord = (1385)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <13sus#5#9#11>, handle = <13><#11><#5><#9>
parse: HChord = (1897)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <13sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <4>, handle = <4>
parse: HChord = (177)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (161)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (585)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (133)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (393)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (1169)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <><#13>
parse: HChord = (1233)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (1169)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <6add9>, handle = <6>
parse: HChord = (661)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <6>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (161)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = <11>, handle = <11>
parse: HChord = (1205)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <11>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <11>
parse: HChord = (2229)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (1097)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (1193)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (2705)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (141)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <9>
parse: HChord = (2189)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <5>, handle = <5>
parse: HChord = (129)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <5>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <11>
parse: HChord = (1133)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (2633)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <9>
parse: HChord = (1301)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (17)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (1297)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees = <>
parse: source = , handle = <9>
parse: HChord = (1301)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <13>
parse: HChord = (1845)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7><#11>
parse: HChord = (2257)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <9><#5>
parse: HChord = (2325)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7><#9>
parse: HChord = (2201)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (149)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (149)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (163)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (2209)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <9>
parse: HChord = (2213)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <9sus>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (1163)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (1417)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (1163)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <>
parse: HChord = (141)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = <7b9#9>, handle = <7><#9>
parse: HChord = (1179)
parse: xmlKind = , text = <7>
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <><#4>
parse: HChord = (193)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
parse: source = , handle = <7>
parse: HChord = (2449)
parse: xmlKind = , text =
parse: xmlSymbols = no, xmlParens = no
parse: xmlDegrees =
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e3c350(Accidental) parent 0x3a2a180(Note)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e65e60(Stem) parent 0x3a29f20(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e9f150(Stem) parent 0x3ea5160(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3fac270(Stem) parent 0x3f84ed0(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f59560(Stem) parent 0x3dfebd0(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e999f0(Stem) parent 0x3dfce60(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3dd5a40(Stem) parent 0x3dff370(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e08490(Stem) parent 0x3ea4920(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e086a0(Stem) parent 0x2857310(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f694c0(Stem) parent 0x3a2a660(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f698e0(Stem) parent 0x3e0ba80(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3d785a0(Stem) parent 0x3ee2960(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e43930(Stem) parent 0x3f0bc50(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e43b40(Stem) parent 0x3f83090(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3e43d50(Stem) parent 0x3eec5c0(Chord)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3dd8d10(Stem) parent 0x3f83470(Chord)
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Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f0dde0(Segment) parent 0x3efe5b0(Measure)
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Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f66a10(Clef) parent 0x3f661a0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f66c30(KeySig) parent 0x3f0dde0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f66f50(Clef) parent 0x3f661a0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6b470(Segment) parent 0x3eff060(Measure)
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Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6b8c0(BarLine) parent 0x3f6b470(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6bce0(Segment) parent 0x3f49e20(Measure)
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Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6c9a0(Segment) parent 0x3de6dc0(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6cbc0(BarLine) parent 0x3f6c9a0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f224e0(BarLine) parent 0x3f6c9a0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f22700(Segment) parent 0x3de7870(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f22920(BarLine) parent 0x3f22700(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f22b40(BarLine) parent 0x3f22700(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f22d60(Segment) parent 0x3e358f0(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f22f80(BarLine) parent 0x3f22d60(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f231a0(BarLine) parent 0x3f22d60(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f233c0(Segment) parent 0x3e363a0(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f235e0(BarLine) parent 0x3f233c0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f23800(BarLine) parent 0x3f233c0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f23a20(Segment) parent 0x3e905a0(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f23c40(BarLine) parent 0x3f23a20(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6efd0(BarLine) parent 0x3f23a20(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6f1f0(Segment) parent 0x3e91050(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6f410(BarLine) parent 0x3f6f1f0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6f630(BarLine) parent 0x3f6f1f0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6f850(Segment) parent 0x3f7e7a0(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6fa70(BarLine) parent 0x3f6f850(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6fc90(BarLine) parent 0x3f6f850(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f6feb0(Segment) parent 0x3f7f250(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f700d0(BarLine) parent 0x3f6feb0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f702f0(BarLine) parent 0x3f6feb0(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f70510(Segment) parent 0x3f34440(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f70730(BarLine) parent 0x3f70510(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3f758d0(BarLine) parent 0x3f70510(Segment)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3efd300(Text) parent 0x3f24d40(Measure)
Score(0x27eda50)::addElement 0x3fc73a0(Text) parent 0x3efe5b0(Measure)
[New Thread 0x7fffc51c0700 (LWP 4579)]
[New Thread 0x7fffc49bf700 (LWP 4580)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007fff5d171dfc in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007fff5d171dfc in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#1 0x00007ffff7dea13a in ?? () from /lib64/
#2 0x00007ffff7dea223 in ?? () from /lib64/
#3 0x00007ffff7deec70 in ?? () from /lib64/
#4 0x00007ffff7de9ff4 in ?? () from /lib64/
#5 0x00007ffff7dee3bb in ?? () from /lib64/
#6 0x00007ffff137c02b in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#7 0x00007ffff7de9ff4 in ?? () from /lib64/
#8 0x00007ffff137c62d in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#9 0x00007ffff137c0c1 in dlopen () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#10 0x00007ffff6f736b1 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#11 0x00007ffff6f6db8b in QLibrary::load() ()
from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#12 0x00007ffff263a114 in ?? ()
from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#13 0x00007ffff2565e96 in ?? ()
from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#14 0x00007ffff25642e8 in ?? ()
from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#15 0x00007ffff2564b1d in ?? ()
from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#16 0x00007ffff21044dc in ?? ()
from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
---Type to continue, or q to quit---

Can't thank enough for having MuseScore!

Thank You for all your efforts,
Very best Regards,


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