Tie Malfunction

• Dec 13, 2015 - 00:44
Graphical (UI)
by design

This is similar to my last bug report, but has more data. I am using Musescore 2.0.2 on a Windows 7 Enterprise computer. I have encountered this issue on two different computers running the same OS.

I attempted to tie the half note Bb with the first Bb in the triplet in the 3rd measure of the attached. When I did it also tied the entire triplet together. Now it won't play the second Bb in the triplet.

Please help.

GIT commit: f51dc11

Attachment Size
Trial.mscz 5.23 KB



I'm guessing you tried selecting both the Bb's before pressing the tie button, but that is not the correct way to do it. You are supposed to select only the first note - the note you want to *start* the tie. By selecting both, you told MuseScore you wanted to start a tie with both notes.

Status (old) by design active

You misunderstand. You must add a slur to your triplet, and not a tie: in this case, indeed, the first B the triplet is tied with the second, and so the second one is not played, as expected.
To get the desired result: select the two B of the triplet, and add a slur, by pressing "S"
Result: A Trial.mscz
So, we can close this thread soon.

Status (old) active by design

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You are correct, and thank you for the simple solution. The tie in the "Lines" panel is fine with both notes being selected, so I did not look at that as an issue.

Again, it's not a tie, but a slur.
In the "Lines" palette, when the mouse is positioned over this icon, a tooltip appears: so, a slur.