Selecting a value overlapping a bar featuring a tremolo causes crash

• Feb 24, 2011 - 16:31
S2 - Critical

1. Open this .
2. Select the last semibreve.
3. Change to minim.
4. Change to semibreve.

Result: Crash.

Using MuseScore 1.0 and 2.0 nightly build (3996) and Mac 10.4.11.


When I change the semibreve to a minim in step 3, measure two changes from a whole measure rest to a half rest. The second measure now only has two beats instead of four.

(Tested using r. 4277 nightly build, Windows 7).

Status (old) active fixed

No longer crashes, but I want to file a new report. I don't know what the behaviour should be after step 3 - maybe the tremolo disappears and both notes should be minims?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (4575) - Mac 10.6.8.

Status (old) closed active

1. Open this .
2. Select the last semibreve.
3. Change to breve.

Result: Crash.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (4809) - Mac 10.6.8.

Could someone also offer an opinion about #4?

I don't think the tremolo is the issue. I removed it, deleted all the notes and replaced them with 3 half notes (since this measure is modified to be 3/2). Clicking on the final note in the measure and trying to change it to a whole or double-long whole crashes MS as well.

In fact, create a new score (4/4), place a single quarter note (crochet) in the first beat and try to change it to a double-whole (breve). MS crashes when trying to span the bar line. Anytime I try to span the bar line, MS crashes.