This version of MuseScore is not supported

• Mar 2, 2011 - 08:56
S4 - Minor

When using MuseScore 1.0 and this plugin, a popup message comes up with the sentence: This version of MuseScore is not suppored.

It's caused by the fact that the current mscoreVersion is 10, which is smaller than 906.

	// determine version
	if( !(this.mscoreVersion != undefined && this.mscoreVersion >= 906) )
	{	QMessageBox.critical(null, "Unsupported version", "This version of MuseScore is not suppored.\nPlease upgrade to a more recent version.");

So dirty hack to get the plugin working is removing this version check in the scorestats.js file.

A neater solution will need to be found.


The problem was caused by a last minute change in the release number: 1.0.0 was changed into 1.0

This created a problem in utils.cpp with the script to define the version:

int version()
QRegExp re("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)");
if (re.indexIn(VERSION) != -1) {
QStringList sl = re.capturedTexts();
if (sl.size() == 4) {
_majorVersion = sl[1].toInt();
_minorVersion = sl[2].toInt();
_updateVersion = sl[3].toInt();
return _majorVersion * 10000 + _minorVersion * 100 + _updateVersion;
return 0;
Status (old) active fixed

The original issue is no longer a problem (MuseScore 1.2 reports it's version number correctly). For other bugs open a new issue.