
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Time lag when changing between workspaces geetar 5 7 years ago
Issue Top/bottom gap of vertical frame reset to zero geetar 7 7 years ago
Issue Addition of TAB clef (from palette) throws clefs (and key sigs?) out of position geetar 4 7 years ago
Issue Key signature out of position geetar 3 7 years ago
Forum topic Edit Drumset: Add "Clear" button geetar 0 7 years ago
Forum topic Piano keyboard: mark the octaves C-1, C0, C1 etc. geetar 6 7 years ago
Forum topic Problem entering drum parts geetar 2 7 years ago
Issue Crash when trying to open file with tied unison notes in different voices geetar 4 7 years ago
Issue Font-size of tablature fretmarks too small geetar 3 7 years ago
Issue Change "Filter" to "Search" in the new workspace search box geetar 2 7 years ago
Issue Tablature: changing default display causes wrong settings in "Instruments" geetar 9 7 years ago
Issue Ctrl + Delete of measures not working in nightly geetar 8 7 years ago
Issue Rehearsal mark: text frame has changed in the nightly geetar 4 7 years ago
Issue Tablature preview needs to show two voices geetar 1 7 years ago
Issue Crash on opening 2.0.3 file due to invisible ties geetar 8 7 years ago
Issue Large space at beginning of score due to addition of TAB symbol geetar 7 7 years ago
Issue Layout broken geetar 3 7 years ago
Issue Change "Filter" to "Search" in Preferences > Shortcuts geetar 10 7 years ago
Forum topic Change treble clef to percussion clef geetar 1 7 years ago
Forum topic Volume variations in drumset playback geetar 6 7 years ago
Issue String/Brass synthesizer: Treble/Bass staves are not set to same channel geetar 4 7 years ago
Issue Accent staccatos and marcato staccatos: Need playback property geetar 18 7 years ago
Issue Navigator cannot display 3-figure page numbers geetar 3 7 years ago
Forum topic Staff and system text geetar 3 7 years ago
Issue "Change Instrument" (Staff properties) does not remember last setting geetar 2 7 years ago