
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Cross-staff is not working as expected in 3.0.5 fmiyara 4 5 years ago
Issue Staccato / Staccatissimo: time stretch changes are not saved DanielR 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Salida sonido lolamento 10 5 years ago
Forum topic Help with understanding a score sgtblikey 7 5 years ago
Forum topic Double tempo G-Sun 12 5 years ago
Forum topic Improving "Score Properties" in Musescore Sambaji 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Add "export selection" fmiyara 5 5 years ago
Issue Tuplet bracket jumps to wrong stave when adjusted DanielR 8 5 years ago
Issue 3.1 Beta: changing soundfont order in Synthesiser causes a crash DanielR 3 5 years ago
Forum topic Changing stave space size doesn't scale line text richardm999 9 5 years ago
Forum topic Lines and dynamic in the same measure Roberto Dal Medico 6 5 years ago
Issue Cross-staff tremolo causes disconnected beams DanielR 6 5 years ago
Forum topic Hiding the header in the middle of a score? Grimes Music 10 5 years ago
Forum topic Lyrics [DELETED] 11653836 15 5 years ago
Forum topic Playback loop RobertJeffs 10 5 years ago
Issue Brackets don´t extend to other staves jcasas2003@gmail.com 6 5 years ago
Forum topic Transferring Files Anthony Price 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Improved playback using Noteperformer and other external programs jayW 8 5 years ago
Forum topic Varying Dot Position yonah_ag 10 5 years ago
Forum topic Double augmentation dot Shoichi 10 5 years ago
Forum topic Create a Conductor Score, well organize. haquel 4 5 years ago
Forum topic Eddy67716's thoughts on what Musescore needs. Eddy67716 13 5 years ago
Forum topic A suite IndominusRex 31 5 years ago
Forum topic Split / Combine parts barline symbol majenko 10 5 years ago
Forum topic Pizzicato notes should play as pizz. during note entry DanielR 3 5 years ago