Local Handbook doesn't open

• May 6, 2011 - 08:05

Via Help>Local Handbook.

Using MuseScore 2.0 nightly build (4233) - Mac 10.4.11.



On the Windows version you get a window that says "Local handbook not included with nightly build". Don't you get a message?

Title [Trunk] Local Handbook doesn't open Local Handbook doesn't open

I wondered if it was due to where I have MuseScore on my computer - a folder within Applications. That explanation applies to 1.2, but not the trunk.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5497) - Mac 10.7.3.

I can reproduce this bug with Musescore 2 Beta 1 both on Windows and Linux.

On Windows 7 (in VirtualBox), I used the package provided here:


No problem with installation, but when I go to Help | Local Handbook..., nothing happens.

Same on Xubuntu 14.10 Beta 1 with my own compilation. Installation is fine, but nothing happens with the Local Handbook link. In the terminal, there's only this output:

helpBrowser::load </usr/local/share/mscore-2.0/manual/reference-en.pdf>

This file exists. I can open it manually.

The PDF in question is a very very first draft of a reference made by Werner. It doesn't make much sense to open it. I will close the PR.

An acceptable PR would be to hide the menu behind the -e flag until/if we have a proper local manual.

Status (old) closed active

I reopen this report because the menu item Help | Local Handbook... (that is now hidden) is not the only one trying to open the local handbook. There are also all "Help" menu items in the popup dialog when we right click on an element.

Example: select a note, right click on it and click on the menu item Help. MuseScore tries to open the local handbook, but nothing happens.

There are a lot of elements having a "Help" menu item when right clicked, like rests, bars, clefs, key signatures, time signatures, brackets, measure numbers, etc.