Crash by creating full measure rests on regular measures with MM rests (or not)

• Apr 12, 2016 - 09:01
S2 - Critical

2.0.3 3c7a69d / Windows 7

1) "My First Score"
2) Press "M"
3) Ctrl + A
4) Ctrl + Shift + Del

Result: Crash

Notes :
- Another test file (with notes and mm rests): test 1.mscz
By selecting measures containing notes + mm rests: it works. As this issue, fixed now: #87331: Crash involving multimeasure rests and Ctrl/ Shift/Del keys
But fails by selecting only a MM rests (which is perfectly useless, I agree!) But by mistake, it's another thing (and an issue)

I found this issue by trying to create a full measure rest (measure 11 with seven eighth notes), removing the F first, into this score: Solo Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (Pro)-solo_guitar.mscz
Which is a part from this gp file: Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (Pro).gp4
Then I went as fast, too fast, and more or less by carelessness/error, selecting all the score with mm rests enabled (to sum up, I mixed my brushes...)
Is that I should not do! I (in a sense)


Stack trace:
1 Ms::Segment::segmentType segment.h 171 0xc41ec8
2 Ms::Score::cmdFullMeasureRest edit.cpp 2406 0x79508e
3 Ms::ScoreView::cmd scoreview.cpp 3043 0x411bf9
4 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 4379 0x49a4e8
5 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 3994 0x498668
6 Ms::MuseScore::qt_static_metacall moc_musescore.cpp 820 0x689452
7 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv 0x68a655a2
8 Ms::ScoreTab::actionTriggered moc_scoretab.cpp 189 0x68f5ad
9 Ms::ScoreTab::qt_static_metacall moc_scoretab.cpp 94 0x68f283
10 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv 0x68a655a2
11 ZN12QActionGroup7hoveredEP7QAction 0x61dc4b95
12 ?? 0x1f724658
13 ZN7QAction8activateENS_11ActionEventE 0x61dc3b6e
14 ?? 0x28cd88
15 ??

After checking, and for the record, this issue is a side effect of the patch merged on February 18, 2016, for fix the mentioned "related" issue in the initial message.
- No issue with this nightly: f77ac87
- Crash with this one: bdaddb0

Title Crash by creating full measure rests on multimeasure rests Crash by creating full measure rests on multimeasure rests with other regular measures
Status (old) fixed active

Steps (with 1cf5caf)

1) "My First Score"
2) Enter some notes in the first measure (and some other elsewhere into the score if you want)
3) Press "M"
4) Ctrl + A
5) Ctrl + Shift + Del

Result: crash

Title Crash by creating full measure rests on multimeasure rests with other regular measures Crash by creating full measure rests on regular measures with MM rests (or not)

Well, no need to have multimeasure rests, in fact, now:

1) "My First Score"
2) Ctrl + A
3) Ctrl + Shift + Del

Result: crash

This is the most likely a regression due to the recent change of layout.

I do not know for now if I should open a new issue for this, or not?