Blue Note

• Feb 23, 2012 - 02:47
S5 - Suggestion

See Wikipedia .


Status (old) active needs info

Please give more info and don't open a feature request with only a link to Wikipedia. If no more info is provided I will close this issue.

What marking do you mean, though? It's not common to mark these as anything but coventional accidentals (eg, flat signs onthe third, fifth, or seventh scale degrees, or occasionally sharps on the second or fourth). And I don't see anything in the Wikipeda article that suggests otherwise. On some occasions, I see people notate major thirds and then put a scoop, bend, or similar markings. Is that what you are referring to? Can you post a specific example of a marking that is missing from the trunk?

To me the asterisk in the example is simply used to show the reader what notes are traditionally blue, and not used as a real musical notation.

I can confirm that I've never seen anyone actually put an asterisk in their score to indicate a blue note, and my assumption is also that these were simply used to make the caption more clear. So if that one example is the pnly basis for thinking that we need an asterisk as a marking, I"d agree the issue can be closed. On the other hand, I do have to say there are probably any number of times I might wish for the ability to put asterisks on notes, not to indicate blue notes, but for the same reason as here: so I can then add a caption or other text explanation that references the asterisked notes.

For that matter, I'd love the ability to define my own articulations using aribtrary text. Sure, I could use staff text, and presumably the customizable palette feature , but I like the potential for automatic placement of articulations. This, though, is porbably a separate feature request.

Status (old) needs info closed

Indeed, another feature request. Probably related to the palette. It's not yet clear to me if custom symbol will be usable as notehead or articulations.

Regarding this issue, I close it...