Many operations cause unrelated measure to stretch

• Apr 29, 2012 - 05:33
S4 - Minor

This is very strange, but it is very repeatable in the attached file.

In the first measure of the second page (lyrics in first verse are "magne, And the"), there is an odd stretch that seems to increase with almost any operation in the music. The easiest way I've been able to cause it is by selecting a note (any note will do, before or after the affected position) and move it up or down several steps via the arrows. When the bug happens, the space between "And" and "the" increases a little bit.

This "stretch" is not saved with the file, as reloading the file even if you save it at this point, the "stretch" will be reset to normal.

WinXP SP3, Nightly 5578.

Attachment Size
Dawson's Christian.mscz 7.06 KB


I was able to cause the stretch with LOTS of different operations, including style changes, adding chord names, adding lyrics, and just about anything you could think of. The moving of notes was highly repeatable, though, which is why I suggested that method for reproduction.

I'm glad it's not just me :). I'm not sure I encountered your case (stretch just continues with undo being useless), but instances when it just happens after doing something.

I'm hoping this reproducible case will enable the developers to find all other instances.

I think in other instances I've encountered, the bar you are working have changed stretch too (probably warrants a separate report).

In this example, that may not be the case.