Option to auto-generate default clef and new key sig for Staff Type element if needed for transposing instruments

• Mar 15, 2017 - 22:53
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

Currently if add change instrument text, for example from bari sax to flute, there ought to be a clef change when viewed in concert pitch from bass clef to treble clef. Although this clef change woudn't be necessary in instrument pitch because the bari and flute both read treble clef. Similarly, when reading in instrument pitch, there ought to be an auto-generated key signature which would not be genereated when viewed in concert pitch.


I don't think automatically adding such a clef change would be particularly useful unless it also provided a new - and hence probably incompatible - way of having a clef that is present for concert pitch mode and not transposed mode. That is, so the concert score could change from bass to treble and back without there being a corresponding change in the transposed score. After all, you can *already* force a change to treble and back in the concert score, it's just that it will also affect transposed mode.

So Marc, sounds like I should make a separate feature request for "ability to create clef for particular mode of concert pitch only", probably via Ctrl, which you would support.

Yes. Well, I'm not 100% convinced that is the best way of achieving the desired result, but it's the first logical one that comes to mind. Worth discussing in forum first to see if people have other ideas for how it should work. Probably there are situations other than just instrument changes where such a facility could be useful, and understanding other use cases would be a good thing to do,

Title Option to auto-generate default clef and new key sig for change instrument text if needed for transposing instruments Option to auto-generate default clef and new key sig for Staff Type element if needed for transposing instruments

Well Issac informed me about the new "Staff Type" element would eventually merge with Change Instrument Text. In that case, I think it would be nice if "Staff Type" element could have an option to generate a default clef and new key sig if necessary. So I'm going to leave this issue open, cause I would like to be able to set up all those things in the inspector in one element.