gd_GB locale shows ga_IE translation on Windows 7

• Mar 22, 2017 - 17:51
Reported version
S4 - Minor

Dear devs,

I just started a new translation (gd, Scottish Gaelic) and grabbed my first nightly (MuseScoreNightly-2017-03-22-1130-master-ee309b5).

When starting it with nightly.bat, I got presented with the Irish translation (ga) - my language selection in MuseScore was set to the system locale. I then selected "Gàidhlig" and restarted MuseScore. MuseScore remembered my choice, but still presents me with content in Gaeilge (ga) instead of Gàidhlig (gd).


Checking the contents of:


and in the "locale" folder, I can find both musescore_gd.qm and mscore_ga.qm, although in the 3.0 folder, mscore_gd.qm is 70263 bytes while mscore_ga.qm is 70253 bytes, but are otherwise identical binaries:

cmp -l mscore_ga.qm mscore_gd.qm  | gawk '{printf "%08X %02X %02X\n", $1, strtonum(0$2), strtonum(0$3)}'
cmp: EOF on mscore_ga.qm
00011268 05 0F
0001126B FF FE
0001126D 02 0B

Also the instruments's qm on 3.0 nightly 7z are identical between _gd and _ga except the last few bytes:

cmp -l instruments_ga.qm instruments_gd.qm  | gawk '{printf "%08X %02X %02X\n", $1, strtonum(0$2), strtonum(0$3)}'
cmp: EOF on instruments_ga.qm
00011FFA 05 0F
00011FFD FF FE
00011FFF 02 0B

On the other hand, in the 2.1 locale folder, those files differ quite substantially.

So that seems very suspicious to me, probably 3.0 is not being packaged correctly.

FYI, this might be sortof related (I'm not sure because I don't know how install works) but I get the following error when trying to install 3.0 build via qtcreator: Failing to install from qtcreator because cannot find "/home/e/MuseScore/share/locale/mscore_gd.qm"

Title gd_GB locale shows ga_IE translation on Windows 7 gd_GB locale shows ga_IE translation on Windows 7 ...someone needs to make Gàidhlig (gd) translations

thanks jojo. I ran a few errors maybe you could advice on:

although it did complete after 40 minutes. Then I ran lrelease, and then the install worked.

If you "took the ga translation and copied it to gd" then that would explain why OP says "presents me with content in Gaeilge (ga) instead of Gàidhlig (gd)".

So sounds like this is a task, not a bug.

Title gd_GB locale shows ga_IE translation on Windows 7 ...someone needs to make Gàidhlig (gd) translations gd_GB locale shows ga_IE translation on Windows 7

Not a good idea really - it's like mixing German and Norwegian, for example ;)

It also makes it harder for me to work with nightlies if you mix languages when I try to find a button or menu entry etc. in the UI to get its context for proper translation. And now we don't know where the bug is.

I just grabbed last night's build (MuseScoreNightly-2017-03-22-2135-master-d19dd40.7z) and the problem is still there. My translation of the main file is at 14% already, so the lack of translations is not the issue here.

Please try to Help > Resource Manager and update the Scottish Gaelic language, then restart MuseScore. You can then translate, and wait 15 minutes, and update the language again to see the result of your translation.
For a realtime status of availability of the language resources, you can check where a new build is started every 5 minutes to take the strings from transifex and store them where the resource manager can get them.

Sorry for the confusion about gd vs ga. I guess it's a lesson learned, it's always better to start from scratch.

Wondering whether there will still be a dg_GB locale after an independance referendum? Anyway, MuseScore should be in the clear, using just gd ;-)