Opening MuseScore causes crash

• Aug 22, 2013 - 18:58
S2 - Critical

1. Open MuseScore.

Result: Crash.

Note: See crash log.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (9dba0be) - Mac 10.7.5.


Same with Windows 7, with the message: "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way." Now my saved copies of earlier nightlies will not run either.

Delete your "default.workspace" file (and maybe the others) from
"C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScoreDevelopment\workspaces" and try again. A factory reset does _not_ remove the files in the "workspaces" folder, something which must be fixed.

The "default.workspace" file contains the palette for the session. There seems to be some subtle changes in the "Lines" palette causing the problems because the file will also mess up older nighties. Changes like:

beginHookType 1.9 /beginHookType
endHookType 1.9 /endHookType
beginHook 2 /beginHook
endHook 2 /endHook

being removed and the following now in place:

beginHookHeight 1.9 /beginHookHeight
endHookHeight 1.9 /endHookHeight
beginTextPlace 2 /beginTextPlace
beginTextPlace 2 /beginTextPlace

After removing the MuseScoreDevelopment folder, MuseScore opens regularly, but if you open the Line palette and drag a volta line onto the score MuseScore crashes due to the same error of unrecognized "beginHook".
This error is also preventing successful Travis CI builds at the moment.

Hmmm, after the last commit (6559fe0) things seem to be working again. Multiple launch/quit and placing volta lines are not a problem. Someone else please confirm.

A diff on the two workspace files shows no differences now.

I can confirm the bug appears to be solved under Windows 8, commit 6559fe0 , personal build.
Moreover, also Travis CI build is successful now.