Cannot create grace note chord in tablature

• Oct 31, 2013 - 22:20

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. Click on stave.
3. 'Copy'.
4. 'Instruments…'.
5. Add the second 'Acoustic Guitar (nylon)'.
6. Change 'Staff type' to 'Tab. 6-str full'.
7. 'OK'.
8. Click on tablature stave.
9. 'Paste'.

Result: The numbers of the grace note chord pile on top (drag it away to see).

Cannot create grace note chord in tablature.png

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (72d2a5e) - Mac 10.7.5.


Perhaps the title is a partially inaccurate, as it is possible to create them, but perhaps only via copy/paste and editing.

I don't properly know if it's possible to do it via keyboard entry. When entering them on a pitched stave, the keyboard is the only way - I don't know how it would be with tablature (the shortcuts could be occupied).

When converting from pitched to tablature (I used it because I'm neither a guitarist, or tablature user), MuseScore won't know what string to place the note on, hence in certain cases (like this), it all just goes in the one, or somewhere else that's less than desirable. If anything, tablature to pitched is possibly the best way to go, if a conversion is utilised.

The correct way would involve each grace note in the chord being placed on different strings.

Grace note chord.png

Attachment Size
Grace note chord.png 53.25 KB

This issue should be splitted in at least three.

1) Fretting of grace chords

A while ago, grace notes have been changed from belonging to a segment of their own to be children of the 'main' chord. Since then, the fretting algorithm cannot 'see' them any longer.

I have posted a pull request (hopefully) fixing this:

2) Navigating to a grace chord either in 'normal' mode or in Note entry mode

Neither is currently possible, not only in TAB's, but in any type of staff; grace chords once created can only be selected with the mouse and cannot be worked upon by note entry. This is a 'systemic issue and not one I would approach lightly: some advise from the core devs (Werner? lasconic?) is welcome.

3) Shortcut to add intervals in TAB's (like [Shift]+[3] in standard staves).

Currently they are disabled. The rationale was: intervals make little sense while working with TAB's and those shortcuts where needed for other TAB functions.

Designing a suitable set of shortcuts for working with TAB's proved rather complex and required compromises. I presume that once the point 2) will be fixed there will be less need for those interval shortcuts in TAB's.

I believe point 1) above is fixed and I'll create new issues for points 2) and 3). Anything else I'm missing?



P.S.: Grace chords CAN be created in TAB's with the usual commands. They cannot be edited once created.