Shift+Up/Down gives wrong note layout every time you cross octave boundary

• Apr 8, 2014 - 04:46
S4 - Minor

Windows 7, GIT commit: ef4c692

1) create score, treble clef
2) add chord consisting of bottom space F + G a step above
3) select measure
4) hit Shift+Up repeatedly

Result: everything is fine the first few times, but upon raising the chord from B-C to C-D, the noteheads reverse themselves. It fixes itself when you raise again to D-E. This patterns repeats at the next octave.

5) now start pressing Shift+Down

Same thing happens - when you lower the chord from C-B to B-A, noteheads reverse themselves, This corrects itself on the next Shift+Down, only to happen again at the next octave.

I am guessing this is related to #25275: [2.0] Bb Clarinet Bb and B notes transposed and is the result work being done for #18099: transposition info incorrect when switching between score and part. Maybe also related to #23298: stem too short after changing octave of a note in a chord.

Here's an image of how it looks in the bad state:


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bad-second.png 1.18 KB


Another thing that happens - the ledger line for middle C disappears if you start a note below middle C then Shift+Up until you reach middle C. I assume this is another effect of the same bug.

Not sure if this related, but my hunch is that it is. Load the following file, look at the last chord in the LH. The noteheads for the second are backwards. It fixes itself if you make any edit to the chord that re-sorts the notes.

Here's the expected result:


Yay, vtest!

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accidental-1.mscz 1.67 KB
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