Exported audio sounds instrument change as piano

• Aug 16, 2014 - 23:35
S4 - Minor

1. Open attached score (produced in 2.0).
2. 'Export…'.
3. 'WAV', 'Ogg', 'FLAC' or 'MP3'.
4. 'Save'.
5. Play audio file.

Result: Any instrument change sounds piano.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (2bb5183) - Mac 10.7.5.


Note: this is probably only true if you use the Mixer to change the sounds rather than actually using the Instrument Change itself. That is, after adding the instrument change, had you then right clicked the element and actually changed instrument, I assume this would have worked.

There a discussion some months back about whether this unexpected use of Instrument Change - not actually changing instrument at all (that is, never going through the Change Instrument dialog), but instead merely changing the mixer channel that gets added - was ever intended to be supported. I don't think we ever got a clear answer on that. At best, I think we agreed it was worth trying to support anyhow, so we added a few hacks to fix the things that were discovered not to work back then. But I suspect there will turn out more things that won't work about this particular way of using instrument change elements.