Crash when changing instrument

• Mar 5, 2015 - 23:07
S2 - Critical

1. Create Banjo score.
2. Right-click stave.
3. 'Stave Properties...'.
4. 'Change Instrument…'.
5. Choose 'Classical Guitar'.
6. 'OK'.

Result: Crash (see attached log).

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build a27e320 - Mac 10.7.5.

Attachment Size
Crash when changing instrument [Log].txt 58.79 KB


Not unique to those instruments (thought at first it might have to do with string data or something). Crash is in the channel code, presumably caused by recent changes in this area.

Dies of SIGSEGV, stack trace:

0 load qgenericatomic.h 90 0xb6e2c2
1 QBasicAtomicInteger::load qbasicatomic.h 110 0xb6e2c2
2 QtPrivate::RefCount::ref qrefcount.h 49 0xb5bc6b
3 QString::QString qstring.h 812 0xb3acb2
4 Ms::Channel::Channel instrument.h 80 0xabf127
5 Ms::Instrument::Instrument instrument.cpp 115 0x80779a
6 Ms::EditStaff::apply editstaff.cpp 269 0x4a01d9
7 Ms::EditStaff::bboxClicked editstaff.cpp 204 0x49fc73
8 Ms::EditStaff::qt_static_metacall moc_editstaff.cpp 121 0x6606da
9 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv ...\MuseScore\win32install\bin\Qt5Core.dll 0x68a64e31
10 ZNK16QDialogButtonBox6buttonENS_14StandardButtonE ...\MuseScore\win32install\bin\Qt5Widgets.dll 0x61ee8cb0
11 ?? 0x24b6fcc8
12 ?? 0x289414

And indeed most like to be caused by the fix for #45231: Undo does not restore sound of deleted instrument change, crash on subsequent undo