Stems are too long on small chords with beams or hooks/flags

• Jul 16, 2015 - 20:51
S3 - Major

By default, the beam height is too high on small notes, making the stems longer than they are on unbeamed notes. The problem does not occur with grace notes, only small notes (made small via the chord option).

The problem seems to be that the default beam height is the same as for normal sized notes. Using the User placement option does work. It's usually off by .10


See also #32591: Stems too long on beamed grace notes. Apparently this was deliberately fixed for grace notes specifically, but not for normal notes that just happen to be small. I'm guessing the reason is related to the comment in It is not obvious exactly what should trigger the shortening of the stems. What if there are notes of different sizes beamed together?

Which is not to say we shouldn't think about finding a good solution.

Beaming together large notes and small notes is such a rare occurrence (in fact, I've never seen it in the wild) that it would make sense just to leave that alone, and let it work the way it does now. If the user needs to do so, they can manually adjust that rare occurrence.

This would also be consistent with how MuseScore handles having different sized notes in the same chord-the larger note "wins."

Ys they do look to high.

And it looks there is no settings to do a global adjustment and save it as style.
I had to individually click every single one of them to manually adjust to make them look good.

Attachment Size
beam high.png 23.24 KB
Title Stems are too long on small beamed notes Stems are too long on small chords with beams of flags
Workaround No Yes

workaround is to manually shorten the stems

Title Stems are too long on small chords with beams or hooks Stems are too long on small chords with beams or hooks/flags

SMuFL calls them flags though

Fix version