Lyrics entry mode: too many non-indispensable enabled actions may result in un-typable characters.

• Nov 26, 2015 - 19:17
S4 - Minor

This is probably midway between a bug and a feature request.

See this thread for more details and discussion.

The centre point is:

If an action is mapped (either by default or by customisation) to an alphanumeric character short-cut and it is enabled in a textual entry mode, that character cannot be entered as text in that entry mode. Then, in textual entry modes, enabled actions should be kept at the minimum indispensable to reduce this possibility of conflicts as much as possible.

Of the three textual entry modes currently known to MuseScore (Lyrics, Fig. bass/Chord names, general text), Lyrics has by far the greatest number of enabled actions, many of then not really needed in Lyrics entry mode.

While the default short-cuts are carefully crafted to avoid this type of conflicts, the probability of a user customizing his short-cuts to simple alphanumeric characters without suspecting that this is going to prevent the entry of characters in lyrics is not marginal and almost qualifies as a bug.


Status (old) patch (ready to commit) fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit dfbfe28fab

Fix #88756 - Disable unnecessary actions in text editing states

__References__ :
- Issue:
- Forum post: (with discussion and examples)

In text editing states, any enabled actions mapped (either by default or by customization) to an alphanumeric character shortcut makes impossible to enter that character in the text.

Default shortcuts are carefully crafted to avoid this, but a user customizing his shortcuts may unknowingly and unexpectedly trigger this issue. Reducing the number of enabled actions in text editing states to the really necessary ones greatly reduces this probability.

The following actions are enabled for __all three text editing states__ (general text, lyrics, chord names/fig. bass):
- "file-save"
- "file-save-as"
- "cut"
- "copy"
- "paste"
- "escape"
- "show-keys"

In __generic text editing state__, the following 5 additional actions are enabled:
- "text-b"
- "text-i"
- "text-u"
- "text-word-left"
- "text-word-right"

In __lyrics editing state__, the following two additional actions are enabled:
- "next-lyric"
- "prev-lyric"

In __chord names/fig. bass editing state__, 13 additional actions are enabled which moves the entry cursor to a next/previous time point, beat or measure.

Fixed in branch 2.0.3, commit a2a2b9ebf0

Fix #88756 - Disable unnecessary actions in text editing states

__References__ :
- Issue:
- Forum post: (with discussion and examples)

In text editing states, any enabled actions mapped (either by default or by customization) to an alphanumeric character shortcut makes impossible to enter that character in the text.

Default shortcuts are carefully crafted to avoid this, but a user customizing his shortcuts may unknowingly and unexpectedly trigger this issue. Reducing the number of enabled actions in text editing states to the really necessary ones greatly reduces this probability.

The following actions are enabled for __all three text editing states__ (general text, lyrics, chord names/fig. bass):
- "file-save"
- "file-save-as"
- "cut"
- "copy"
- "paste"
- "escape"
- "show-keys"

In __generic text editing state__, the following 5 additional actions are enabled:
- "text-b"
- "text-i"
- "text-u"
- "text-word-left"
- "text-word-right"

In __lyrics editing state__, the following two additional actions are enabled:
- "next-lyric"
- "prev-lyric"

In __chord names/fig. bass editing state__, 13 additional actions are enabled which moves the entry cursor to a next/previous time point, beat or measure.