kazuma yamamoto

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic ショートカットキー「Add quarter grace note」の訳語 yamada_y 4 4 years ago
Forum topic 解説動画 (musescore tutorial) kazuma yamamoto 13 4 years ago
Forum topic Expression に対応する日本語が「強弱記号」になっています To_chan 12 4 years ago
Forum topic Let all chord notes sound when adding notes with “Alt+numbers” kazuma yamamoto 0 4 years ago
Forum topic Make cross NoteHead on TAB Stave bigger kazuma yamamoto 5 5 years ago
Issue “Play Panel” is untranslated kazuma yamamoto 11 5 years ago
Issue “Mixer” in menus bar context menu shows untranslated kazuma yamamoto 13 5 years ago
Issue Crash press ‘space bar’ in entering fingering mode on TAB stave when note is tied beyond barline kazuma yamamoto 9 5 years ago
Issue “Rest’s Augmentation dot” are not applied to TAB’s rests kazuma yamamoto 9 5 years ago
Issue Some Buttons look grayed-out in dark mode kazuma yamamoto 17 5 years ago
Issue Scroll Bar is barely visible in Plugin Creator in Dark Mode kazuma yamamoto 0 5 years ago
Issue Symbols can no longer swap their places in the palettes cadiz1 34 5 years ago
Forum topic 日本語版ハンドブック(MuseScore3版) Neco 43 5 years ago
Issue Press Ctrl+number (3,4,5,6) while entering chord mode cause crash kazuma yamamoto 6 5 years ago
Forum topic 3.1 Beta の訳語の問題です。 yamada_y 17 5 years ago
Issue Copy&Paste Fretboard diagram’s number is mirrored. kazuma yamamoto 6 5 years ago
Issue Alt+Left skips notes with lyrics; Alt+Right skips lyrics kazuma yamamoto 6 5 years ago
Forum topic MuseScoreが予期しない理由で終了しました。 sintamori 5 5 years ago
Forum topic Move Palette Top or Bottom Option kazuma yamamoto 2 5 years ago
Issue Change to “Pizzicato” from Part score doesn’t work kazuma yamamoto 19 5 years ago
Issue TAB Fingerings positioned wrongly kazuma yamamoto 16 5 years ago
Issue Fingering numbers cannot be applied to grace notes liam.morley.50 12 5 years ago
Issue Incorrect vertical position on TAB when one note is bracketed in chord kazuma yamamoto 0 5 years ago
Issue Copying fretboard diagrams results in number offset to the right vic401947 9 5 years ago
Issue Staff Properties window is too large geetar 20 5 years ago