
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic The blue instrument bar in Continuous view eyolf 13 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Opened FIle path is not remembered, when file is outside `Score`-Tree Pretasoc 6 vor 3 Jahren
Issue [Accessibility] Measure Properties dialog not fully accessible hhpmusic 4 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Unable to produce special time signatures hhpmusic 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Is it possible to input such kinds of time signatures? hhpmusic 6 vor 3 Jahren
Issue "Would you like to try our improved style?" window opens with the last tab. mike320 9 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupt tremolo (and crash) Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Two-note tremolos display incorrectly when the stave has custom scale Lupus Caeruleus 7 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Mac OS 11 Big Sur SAFVet 10 vor 3 Jahren
Handbook 3 Alignement des éléments Jojo-Schmitz 0 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Custom barlines extension addition for handbook OR Beat-value alignment style setting. mcclary_j1 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Better typographic support? RFC Miwarre 42 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore General HQ download please? KingAvery艾富里國王 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Two songs in one sheet Gingerale75 12 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Display the full file path and open the folder where the file is saved avronp 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Can't open program since uploading 3.6 fvtreybal 5 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Note articulation in chord wouterschakel 6 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Please help me with this score! Raven Gheist 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic No page turn for Songbook? Robipad 8 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Bug with tremolo basilevv1 6 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Inserting some frames are crashing Mac Catalina MuseScore 3.6.0 oromanow 8 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Transfer Sibelius files to musescore TitchT 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Coda symbol (only, not Coda Mark) with Al Coda Mark Michel Marinier 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic help on repeats / volta berndvos 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Version 3.6 difficulties cello48 7 vor 3 Jahren