Not saving a closing score after viewing part causes crash

• Apr 3, 2011 - 00:57
S2 - Critical

1. Open score.
2. Create part.
3. With the part opened, close the score.

Result: Crash.

Using MuseScore 2.0 nightly build (4141) - Mac 10.4.11.


You don't have to be on the part as you close, you merely have to see it once (and you can go back to the full score, if you wish).

Title [Trunk] Closing a score with part opened causes crash [Trunk] Closing score after viewing part causes crash
Status (old) closed active

1. Open score.
2. 'Parts'.
3. Create a part.
4. 'Close'.
5. Open the part.
6. Open the full score.
7. 'Close'.
8. 'Don't Save'.

Result: Crash.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5092) - Mac 10.6.8.

Title [Trunk] Closing score after viewing part causes crash [Trunk] Not saving a closing score after viewing part causes crash
Title [Trunk] Not saving a closing score after viewing part causes crash Not saving a closing score after viewing part causes crash

I can.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (137c4b7) - Mac 10.7.5.

I tried to reproduce this, but I'm afraid I don't understand your steps:

1. I understand to open any existing score (since there was no file attached)
2. 'Parts' means 'File->Parts...' ?
4. If I 'close' the score, I'll loose the newly created part, won't I?
5. Open what? (see 4.) Since I didn't save anything, I don't have any parts to open, have I?

What am I missing?

Is this related?

1. open attached score
2. switch to part
3. switch back to score
4. 'Close' -> crash

The crash appears only when part has been viewed at least once and when returning to the score before closing.

The file was created like this:
1. open attached score of issue "Part not visible if created when viewing part"
2. File->Parts... create one part
3. 'Close' and save

I later renamed that file.

Attachment Size
CrashAfterViewingPart.mscz 4.22 KB