Chord with second placed too close to beginning of measure

• Apr 20, 2016 - 18:01
Reported version
S4 - Minor

Ubuntu 14.04, GIT commit: e523aad

Another one in the same spirit as #106726: Distance from barline to accidental is too small and #107131: Grace notes over or under the staff incorrect - this time, it is the "backnotes" in a chord containing seconds that is spaced incorrectly. It's noticeable (and incorrect according to Gould) for notes on the staff, but worse for notes above/below the staff, especially if barlines are drawn through the staves:



Yes, the reference is the old rendering so its easy to see what has changed. The distance between barline and notes is static and the "barNoteDistance" style parameter (1.2sp). In the UI the parameter is called "Note left margin".

Maybe the desired layout can be achieved by defining two values: the minimum distance between barline and notehead (left edge of note head) and a minimum gap between barline and left edge of the ChordRest Segment shape (note + possible accidental + gracenotes etc.).
The result would be a gap which gets smaller if there are accidentals.