Spacing of hyphen in-between lyric syllables appears squeezed

• Dec 7, 2012 - 18:35
S4 - Minor

I need this dash to be located symmetrically in the middle of those two syllables but for some reason it's joined and connected to the second syllable in a way that makes reading the lyrics hard.

It would be nice if this would be corrected so that the dash will locate itself in the middle of the two syllables.



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Hmmm, as far as I can tell from the small picture, the dash IS located in the middle between the two syllables: serifed 'i' usually have a small blank to the right to accommodate the serif, but it is 'built-in' into the font and MuseScore has no way to know it (in other words: the 'i' and 's' letter shapes are asymmetrical, not the MuseScore layout)

I think the major issue here might be the excessively crowded layout: a more 'airy' layout would add more blank on both sides of the dash and make the whole more readable. I'm not sure this is an issue of MuseScore or of your layout, though.


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It looks like this version of MuseScore is trying to squeeze the lyrics too much by default.
I get this view, when having 5 measure or more on one line, all but one being empty.
Only if I reduce it to 4 measures, it looks OK.