Grace chords cannot be reached in Edit mode

• Nov 5, 2013 - 12:17
S4 - Minor

Context: today github commit (ea9bf0494, 2013-11-05)

1) Open a score with at least one grace chord or add a grace chord to any score
2) Select the grace chord (with keyboard or mouse)
3) Try to edit it by entering Edit mode ('N')

No way! the main chord is edited instead. Even selecting the main chord and using the arrow keys does not work: arrows simply skip the grace chord.

Expected result: A way to reach grace notes in Edit mode.


See also #29406: Incorrect or no navigation via keyboard if featuring grace after note.

I'm not sure if it really makes sense to be able to edit grace notes directly in note input mode in this manner - how well would the note input code actually deal with this? I'm working on a fix for the I issue I mention above, and in it, I am for now actually making navigation skip grace notes entirely if you are in note input mode, since it doesn't work anyhow. However, that will be controlled by a simple flag, so we could easily restore the navigation within note input mode if we ever actually implemented input of grace notes in note input mode.

Never mind, I realize it *is* useful to navigate to grace notes in note input mode even though behavior is a bit off. I reverted that commit, keeping just the navigation fixes.

Hmm, I had actually thought I fixed this, but I guess not, or it somehow broke again. Navigation while in note input mode is still off if grace notes are involved. When moving to the right, only the grace notes are visited - main notes are skipped. When moving to the left, nothing is skipped, but navigation becomes "stuck" when a grace note is reached.