Note entry does not begin on first chord or rest in selected range

• Mar 12, 2020 - 15:03
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S4 - Minor

By "expanded" I mean a measure whose properties have been edited to have more beats than the time signature indicates, for example, 6 beats in 4/4 time, which I will use as an example here. Done as described below, this adds a second rest in the measure.

The problem does not occur in the last measure of the piece. To reproduce, create a new, empty piece of two measures in 4/4 time and edit the properties of both measures to have 6 beats each. (This will allow to observe that the problem occurs in the first but not the last measure.)

Select the entire first measure, not just the first rest in the measure. Press "N" to begin note entry. Observe that it begins at the second rest of the measure, not the first as it should. Press "N" again to end note entry.

Select the entire last measure. Press "N" to begin note entry. Observe that it begins at the first rest of the measure, as it should. Press "N" again to end note entry.

It will not be possible to observe the problem in a one-measure piece. It will be possible to observe the problem in any measure but the last of a piece with two or more measures.

The problem does not occur when the two separate rests in the expanded measure have been deleted with Ctrl+Shift+Del so it contains only a single full measure rest.


Title Note entry in expanded measures Note entry does not begin on first chord or rest in selected range
Status active PR created

The situation is much more general than what you describe. It has nothing to do with expanded measures. Rather, it has to do with how many chords or rests are in the selection, how the selection was created, and whether or not the selection extends past the end of the score. But none of this should matter. Beginning note entry on a range selection should probably always begin on the first chord or rest in the selection, no matter what. See

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