Newlines are deleted in the header and the footer

• Sep 10, 2014 - 20:22
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor


MuseScore 2 Beta 1 on Windows 7 (in VirtualBox).


  • Create a new score.
  • Go to Style > General... > Header, Footer, Numbers and put in any textarea some text containing newlines. For example, put the following in the Footer > Middle > Odd textarea:
    Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3
  • Click on Apply and close the Edit Style window.

Results so far: no bug. Newlines are correctly displayed in the footer.

  • Now, go again to Style > General... > Header, Footer, Numbers.

Results: the bug occurs. Our three lines appears in the Footer > Middle > Odd textarea as only one line:

Line 1 Line 2 Line 3

If we click OK to close the Edit Style window, our three lines are now displayed as only one line in the footer.


Status (old) fixed active

I reopen this report because there's regression with the commit 75d9e76576. Header and footer font face and font point size no longer apply. Example with footer: go to Style > Text... > Footer. The default text size is 8, but it has no effects. The problem is caused by tags font automatically added in textareas each time the Edit Style window is open. For example, add the following as middle odd footer:

Line 1

Apply changes, close the Edit Style window and open it again. The footer textarea now contains:

<font size="11"/><font face="Sans"/>Line 1

Click the button OK (no need to click Apply). The Edit Style window will close. Open it again. The footer textarea now contains:

<font size="11"/><font face="Sans"/>&lt;font size=&quot;11&quot;/&gt;&lt;font face=&quot;Sans&quot;/&gt;Line 1

Do it another time and it will contain:

<font size="11"/><font face="Sans"/>&lt;font size=&quot;11&quot;/&gt;&lt;font face=&quot;Sans&quot;/&gt;&amp;lt;font size=&amp;quot;11&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;font face=&amp;quot;Sans&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;Line 1
