Custom instruments.xml not read if not with Unix-style line endings (regardless of OS)

• Feb 3, 2015 - 01:04
S4 - Minor

It is difficult for me to properly document this issue as I have a Linux system and this may affect the results. Anyway:

Context: latest github commit under Linux Mint 17 (myself) and at least one Windows system running some recent beta or nightly. The Windows system is not mine, but of another user, as it can be gathered from this post and this post .


1) Prepare and save to disk a custom version of instruments.xml; the precise modification is not relevant, as long as it can be detected from the instrument lists while running MuseScore (for instance change the spelling of an instrument name). It is important to make sure that the file is saved with Unix-style line endings (CR)

2) Start MuseScore and point "Edit | Preferences", tab "Score", item "Instrument list 1" to the custom instruments.xml file.

3) Close and restart MuseScore

4) Check in the instrument list that the custom file is actually loaded

5) Close MuseScore

6) Change the custom instruments.xml file to have Windows-style line endings (CR LF)

7) Restart MuseScore

Result: the custom instruments.xml file is NOT loaded; the built-in default is used instead. Note that both Linux and Windows systems require the Unix line endings, then this is not dependent from the system, but from the XML reader / parser.

Expected result: the line ending should not matter while reading an XML file.


#4: I don't know; perhaps it would not do harm... OTOH, I think instruments.xml it is the only one which a user may want to customize and, while doing so, convert to the line ending style of his system (by choice or by accident).