Screenshot mode in 2.0b2 does not copy into most apps on Win7 x64

• Feb 9, 2015 - 19:06
S4 - Minor

Unable to copy screenshots directly from MuseSCore 2.0b2 directly into LibreOffice or GIMP. On Ctrl-V, GIMP reports "there is no image data in the clipboard to paste." *Can* paste copied image into IrfanView.


After checking, this issue occurs on December 17

- It works with this Nightly: 4e00b01

With result (Windows7/MuseScore -> LibreOffice) :

result on 4e00b01.jpg

- It fails (so: no result!), and the cause is likely here, with this one: 43b80ad

Well, it *is* free to install... but actually, from what I understood of the original threead, you don't need LibreOffice to see the problem. See Supposedly you can see the bad effects in Word and/or Paint, and that you were able to to reproduce this at one time? Which doens't bode well for the possibility that 5.4.1 fixed it, unless you reproduced it before instaling that.

OK, that offset bug is still there in that particular build, I can copy from MuseScore and paste ro MS Paint, but the rightmost pixels show up left

With a build using Qt 5.4.1 on Windows 7, I can reproduce the issue with the transposed pixels, pasting into WordPad or Paint. Pasting into LibreOffice works fine, though, and so does Scribus, and MuseScore itself. I do get an error pasting into Google Docs via Chrome.

Are others finding differently? For LibreOffice, maybe it depends on the version? I have Does anyone have Word to try with that?

Current install of LibreOffice on this Win7 machine, leading to the reported / verified issue, is I may have an older build of LibreOffice on an infrequently used desktop machine and can try that with 2.0b2 or a nightly... I will take a look.

I see no problems at all pasting into LibreOffice on Windows or on Ubuntu. I also see no problems pasting into Google Docs on Chrome on Ubuntu. Only WordPad, Paint, and Google Docs / Chrome on Windows show issues - for WordPad & Paint, the transposed pixels, and for Google Docs / Chrome, the error and inability to paste.

I gather from the forum threads that I've lurked on re: this issue that it is pretty much a Windows-only problem. As stated, I can't get anything to paste into GIMP on Windows either - if you have the time and/or interest, you could try that too. (GIMP does receive copy-pastes just fine from my current install of 2.0b1.) The only Windows app I've got that will accept later 2.0 version screenshot copy-pastes direct from the clipboard buffer is IrfanView.

As far as I *know*, it's Windows-only, and as you can see, not all Windows programs have problems accepting our images. I would love more people on other platformas to test to see if a pattern can be found that would point to a cause.

Meanwhile, I'm just sort of randomly trying different ways of doing the "copy", hoping one will work in the cases where it currently fails.

Unfortunately, no change since the comment#1 of this issue :(
I had already verified there is two days.
It fails with Windows7 and the more recent version of LibreOffice (4.4.0)

The good news, I can solve the problems *I* see (misplaced pixels in WordPad/Paint, inability to paste into Google Docs / Chrome) by converting the QImage to QPixmap before copying to the clipboard. Which I gather is a silly thing to do in general, so if we know for *sure* this is a problem on Windows only, I can implement that as a workaround for what looks to be a Qt bug. I'd rather not do that for all platforms if we don't need to.

I've tried other possible workarounds, including different imaghe formats and the explicit steps the Qt documentation says that QClipboard::setImage() translates into, but nothing else so far works.