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Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue [Capella import] extend tuplet support beyond simple triplets Leon Vinken 8 11 years ago
Forum topic Function to only edit certain voice in musescore __Zwischen__ 3 11 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Note length extending into non-existent bar won't appear chen lung 5 11 years ago
Issue Slur disappears after extending value of last note chen lung 3 11 years ago
Issue Cross staff notation bug Liriel 7 11 years ago
Issue Undo rehearsal Mark crashes MuseScore. Miré 9 11 years ago
Issue Extending value of note removes arpeggio chen lung 6 11 years ago
Issue Tuplet creation from empty measures (whole rests) [DELETED] 12786 2 11 years ago
Issue Changes in Note Properties and Inspector changed to defaults after increasing value chen lung 4 11 years ago
Issue Increasing value of cross staff note returns it to original stave chen lung 3 11 years ago
Forum topic New flexible chord symbol entry and rendering Marc Sabatella 8 11 years ago
Forum topic CMake for Qt Creator not compiling Brindisi 8 11 years ago
Issue Slurring 16th note grace notes causes crash Dan653 10 11 years ago
Forum topic Musescore v1.3, Win 8, "shift" all notes in chord easily [DELETED] 89389 5 11 years ago
Forum topic Musescore,v 1.3, Windows 8 - create Chord symbols below chords [DELETED] 89389 3 11 years ago
Forum topic Varying distance between base and treble cleves hill0093 1 11 years ago
Issue Crash when deleting a dynamic ABL 3 11 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 1.3 confusion. Windows, peculiar MIDI input issue [DELETED] 89389 8 11 years ago
Issue Re-accessing MuseScore and file with impending save causes crash chen lung 5 11 years ago
Issue Undo Exchange Voices causes crash chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue [Mac] Some top menus greyed out after opening via Open Recent chen lung 10 11 years ago
Issue Line not applicable to final note chen lung 9 11 years ago
Issue Program Shutdown while entering chords, possibly connected to a note with a tie rnehrig 5 11 years ago
Forum topic Arpeggio Mark Won't Stay Put Next it's Chord ozmooreen 2 11 years ago
Forum topic Automatic Beaming IvoryKeysPony 3 11 years ago