
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Backup and restore settings paulvp 4 4 years ago
Forum topic Guardar partitura creada en Musescore3 en formato Musescore2 jimballarin 6 4 years ago
Forum topic Multiple Voicing help Jade5_ 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Exercises numberings and extra margin for the first system bersyl91 4 4 years ago
Forum topic musescore 3 deleted mcvanrongen 30 4 years ago
Forum topic instrumentennamen in directiepartituur op elk blad ASTE0155 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Strange notation symbols DesignLov3 10 4 years ago
Issue Impossible tuple deletion bersyl91 2 4 years ago
Issue Abusive deletes when deleting Time signature bersyl91 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Composing series of tuples bersyl91 2 4 years ago
Issue Playback not possible Kosna Kosna 6 4 years ago
Forum topic Playing of one voice on system with two voices.I went to File and parts and created the 4 different voices, then selected tenor. I went to mixer goudse 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Variation of repeat measure sign? 2142Kitch 2 4 years ago
Forum topic how to put a downward arrow ABOVE an accent? piercetang340 11 4 years ago
Forum topic Program not responding to computer keyboard ancila 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Add an "apply to all parts" button when loading a style. xavierjazz 6 4 years ago
Issue Bob Hunt photobob14 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Ayuda con preparacion de partitura. [DELETED] 26799858 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Ouvir divisão de vozes Rosenei Lauren… 1 4 years ago
Forum topic How to change the length of a 8va line. WoonderWaffle 7 4 years ago
Forum topic Creating New Instruments Jonanater2000 5 4 years ago
Forum topic Bar line question jotape1960 5 4 years ago
Forum topic change .mscz, location or make them optional frfancha 8 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 2,1 vs MuseScore PRO alain gagnon 6 4 years ago
Issue attaching musescore backup files should be prevented Jojo-Schmitz 10 4 years ago