Manually adjusted dynamics too low on import from 2.x without reset

• Oct 27, 2018 - 11:17
Reported version
P1 - High
S3 - Major

When opening V2-scores in V3, often chords and other elements above / below the staff line are no more in a good place. The reason for this seems to be the new feature to try to arrange everything automatically. But in many case (really many!) the result is not so good, and I would prefer to keep the former arrangement of elements. But it seems that there is no way to disable this automatism - is there?


I know about the possibility to disable - but at this point the original placement is lost already and all elements are set to a default position.
Therefore my proposal to disable the automatic placement when importing "old" scores - or at least provide a flag somewhere that allows to disable.
About chords: yes, I meant the chord symbols.
I don't think that it is a duplicate of the mentioned item - it's more general.

Title default placement of chords etc. not as default for import from V2-scores default placement of chord ymbols etc. not as default for import from V2-scores
Title default placement of chord ymbols etc. not as default for import from V2-scores default placement of chord symbols etc. not as default for import from V2-scores
Title default placement of chord symbols etc. not as default for import from V2-scores Default placement of chord symbols etc. in MS 2 is lost in MS 3.0-dev
Severity S5 - Suggestion S3 - Major
Regression Yes
Workaround No


Status active needs info

It would be good to have a specific score attached here where manually chord symbol positioning isn't honored. In my experience, they are, but I certainly doubt there are probably specific cases where for whatever reason this isn't working. But right now, I can;t actually reproduce a problem with this.

I was talking, as I understood the OP to be, about manual adjustments, not style settings, which is a separate issue and should be filed as such.

Title Default placement of chord symbols etc. in MS 2 is lost in MS 3.0-dev Manual placement of chord symbols etc. in MS 2 is lost in MS 3.0-dev
Status active needs info

OK. I've deleted the posts and opened a new thread for them. And restored the "needs info" status.

Thanks! There are indeed multiple issues with placement of elements in scores imported from older versions. Some of these are to be expected / "by design", others are bugs needing to be fixed. So it's good to have specific examples - @Bacchushlg, I encourage you to provide some!

I just did a bit more testing, and it seems to me that "small" manual adjustments to position get preserved by default, but if you actually drag a chord all the way below a staff, then the automatic placement system doesn't like that - the chord shows up above the staff. However, if you turn off automatic placement for that chord, it works as expected.

That's an extremely contrived case, though. Still wondering what real-world example might have prompted this.

I must admit that the problem seems to have been solved meanwhile.
I append a file that was unusable after opening it with a V3-version about 2 weeks ago. Now it looks almost identical to the V2 version.
Also - very important - there is a query on first loading of the score (reset all elements position?): this is exactly what I had asked for. But even after using the reset function, now the result looks good.
There is one item that is still not imported correctly: the position of the dynamic text. See "je te veux" as example.
What is also ignored is manual positioning of texts in the header (compositor, texter) (see "Amazing Grace"). This latter also moves the lyrics to default positions - but in this case I would use the new lyrics options "above/below" anyway.

Attachment Size
Let s Fall in Love.mscz 36.45 KB
Je te veux.mscz 54.63 KB
Amazing Grace - Gerlitz.mscz 27.8 KB

Probably worth doing separate reports for each specific element type, since handling differs for each. Not sure I am totally understanding still, but I can confirm that if you choose "no" regarding reset to default position on import, the manual position of the first two dynamics on "je te veux" is wrong. The first should be just about 1sp below the default but is much lower, the second was moved above the staff but doesn't appear there.

It seems the style info isn't being taken into account correctly. In 2.0, the style has dynamics at 8sp and the first dynamic has an offset of 1.08sp. In 3.0, this shows as an offset of 9.08sp, which is implemented relative to the default position of dynamics rather than to the top staff line.

Title Manual placement of chord symbols etc. in MS 2 is lost in MS 3.0-dev Manual placement of dynamics interpreted incorrectly when importing from 2.x
Status needs info active

Changed title and set back to "active" since we now have info reproduce with respect to dynamics. I do recommend submitting separate issues for title or any other elements that are not handled correctly.

Title Manual placement of dynamics interpreted incorrectly when importing from 2.x Manually adjusted dynamics too low on import from 2.x without reset

I've reworded the title based on my understanding, which is starting to click in my head.

The position of manually-adjusted dynamics (and other text) is stored relative to the top line in 2.x. So, if the stye says 8sp abnd you've applied an additional 1sp, you get 9sp as stored in the file. On import, we're looking at this relative to the new default position which is below the staff, rather than remembering that 2.x didn't have such defaults. What we should do is, for any element whose default placement is below the staff, recalculate by subtracting the staff height. This yields the correct result. The tricky part is figuring out when the right time to do this is. But I'll give it a shot..

Overall, you're probably still better off taking the "reset positions" offer, though.