
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Invisible accidentals take space Asmatzaile 17 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Multimeasure rest problems with altered measure numbering mkahn 7 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Multi-measure rest numbers disappear during scrolling mike320 5 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Melisma Collides With Next Words/Syllables in Lyrics etienne 42 vor 4 Jahren
Issue User fonts not visible to MuseScore 3 (Windows 10) enkidu 54 vor 4 Jahren
Issue rename parts -> missing GUI refresh in tabbar lagro 9 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Pasting tremolo between dotted notes leads to wrong rhythm mike320 7 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Linked parts for single voices don't work heuchi 19 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Annotation function bwv1080 3 vor 4 Jahren
Issue "Repeat a note" by clicking a notehead then pressing "R" in normal mode Jon Ray 7 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Misclicking when attempting to create a range selection causes the current selection to be lost hiddenhare 10 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Allow multiple similar items selection with shift+click Clément Caillol 13 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore - how to delete measures? wieberoberta3 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Can't input custom time signature (Tuplet cannot cross barlines) Byzaantine 5 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic When playing move the score instead of the bar using the continuous view KlaBueBaer 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Default Time Stretch [DELETED] 32872726 64 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Courtesy Key Signature rsherrod 2 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Quarter Tones Aren't Working hofe 7 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Ties Froz3n 1 vor 4 Jahren
Blog GSoC 2020: Albums, Week 0, At the Gate Sergios - Anes… 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic TO USE MUSESCORE MHELAAH 4 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Wrong Sounds benoitdrummer 12 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Notation Hugerr 3 vor 4 Jahren
Issue MuseScore crashes when opening plugin manager after adding new plugin turion 10 vor 4 Jahren
Issue In Windows 10: Cannot uninstall nor update Musescore version dovfa 13 vor 4 Jahren