Indicator of impending save does not appear immediately for new scores

• Apr 5, 2011 - 18:11

1. Create new score.

Expected result: * appears on the tab when it is created.
Actual result: * does not appear unless you apply something (e.g. note).

Using MuseScore 1.0 and 2.0 nightly build (4145) - Mac 10.4.11.


It has at least one instument, (empty) measures and possibly a title, composer, poet etc. Should be worth saving and therefor being marked as modified.

MuseScore does not currently maintain a "dirty" flag for scores but instead ties it to the undo stack - if there are undoable operations since the last save, the score is considered dirty, otherwise it isn't. Immediately after score creation, there is nothing to undo, so it is not considered dirty.

We could fix this by having Score::dity() also check the saved and/or created flags in addition to the undo stack. But I'm not sure how those are managed. Worst case we could add a new flag for this.

Status (old) active fixed

I changed the behaviour a bit to simplifiy the code. The dirty asterisk is shown if there is something undoable in the score. A new score has nothing undoable and shows no asterisk.
If a new score is deleted or musescore exits, then now the save/ignore dialog is shown.