Drag or delete some elements when the page is empty in Continuous View causes a crash

• Aug 24, 2016 - 11:12
Reported version
S2 - Critical

GIT commit: e044f26 / Windows7

1) "My First Score"
2) Select all (Ctrl + A)
3) Delete (Ctrl + Del)
4) Toggle in Continuous View
5) Drag a barline from the palette onto the page

Result: crash

Same result with elements of "Breaks & Spacers" palette at step #5

- Related scenario: same four initial steps, then:

5) Drag a line (voltas, hairpins etc.) or a frame (horizontal, etc.) onto the empty page

Result: the lines or the frames remain on the spot.

6) Right-click on these elements (or first, left-click, if difficult to select, then right-click).
(Sometimes, only right-click on an element leads to the crash)

7) Cut

Result: crash


None of these scenarios result in a crash for me (on macOS, building from the latest sources). If I remove all measures and frames, the page will disappear. I am fine with this, since the page will reappear if I append measures or frames from the Add menu, or undo the delete. But I can cause a crash by doing one of the following:
- Save the score in .mscz format (or wait until autosave kicks in) when there is no page
- Add text from the Add menu when there is no page
- Add a text frame from the Add menu, and click inside the text frame when there are no measures
I have simple fixes for all of these. But I am surprised that handrok can still cause a crash with his scenario.

I take it back. I do get a crash when following Anatoly's steps. And I get a crash when following handrok's steps in Continuous View. I believe there does need to be a title frame in order for the crash to occur, as Anatoly indicates. If I follow handrok's steps in Page View, I have to delete the title frame as well, and then wait for the autosave timer, and then I get a crash.

Hmm... I still have a crash during the following scenario:
Ctrl + A
Ctrl + Del
Results: Crash.

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.0.0, revision: 55e0a7a


Seems I have crash only in Visual Studio debug mode. Nightly build is ok