Time signature change doesn't appear in parts which don't have voice 1

• Jul 3, 2019 - 04:16
Reported version
P1 - High
S2 - Critical

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: c893c61

1) New score for flute, two voices (1 & 2)
2) Enter a few notes in each voice, and with at least two time signatures in the score say 2/4 and 3/4
Test file at this step: Flute.mscz
3) Create individual parts for Flute1 (Voice1) and Flute 2 (Voice2) -> Ok
Test file at this step: Flute parts.mscz
4) Toggle in Parts

In first part, as expected
In second part, unexpected. The 3/4 time signature change is lost. Hence corruption, leading to crash.

  • Same result if other voices 3 & 4. Only the voice1 honors the time signature changes


Title Time Signature changes are lost when creating parts for voices >1 and causes corruption/crash Time Signature changes don't honored in voice-to-part feature for voices > 1, leading to crash/corruption.

(edited title)

Title Time Signature changes don't honored in voice-to-part feature for voices > 1, leading to crash/corruption. Time Signature changes not honored in voice-to-part feature for voices > 1, leading to corruption/crash


Title Time Signature changes not honored in voice-to-part feature for voices > 1, leading to corruption/crash Time Signature changes not honored in voice-to-part feature for voices 2, 3 and 4, leading to corruption/crash

There are a couple of other serious issues with this feature, I'm guessing they are somewhat related and might not be that hard to fix. Would be nice to get this working for real, although it will still be limited in that it's "all or nothing" - no way to have passages written in only one voice get shared.

Well, from the moment a score is corrupted, the crash is really underlying, and a nothing (or a little more depending on the score) can cause it. E.g. on this score ( fanfare2 parts.mscz) , go to measure 36 -> input double whole note (type 8), and repeat ("R" key) say 3 or 4 times. The crash will occur.

Title Time Signature changes not honored in voice-to-part feature for voices 2, 3 and 4, leading to corruption/crash Time signature change doesn't appear in parts which don't have voice 1

FWIW, I would argue that this one and a couple of other related ones collectively render the "voices to parts feature" essentially useless - perhaps should still be considered critical, if we choose to make this part of the plan. The voices-to-parts feature was added some time ago as part of GSoC, and it's a great thing, but these couple of bugs render is all but unusable, so basically can't advise anyone to use it right now.

Status PR created fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit 28d8d8772e

_Fix #291688, Fix: #285855

#291688 - Time signature change doesn't appear in parts which don't have
#285855 - Creating part from voice 2 does not respect key change

Used element->tick() instead of segment->rtick() to check whether the element
was at the beginning of the measure._

Fix version