Add a linked staff to an existing standard staff with a triplet causes crash

• Aug 25, 2014 - 08:07
S2 - Critical

Nigthtly August 24 (b549f6f) / Windows7

1) Create a triplet in a new score for acoustic guitar (32 measures, 4/4)
create triplet.jpg
2) "I"
3) Add a linked staff
2create triplet.jpg
4) Note entry mode -> enter a first note in the triplet

Result: crash

3 create triplet.jpg

Attachment Size
create triplet.jpg 7.04 KB
2create triplet.jpg 10.89 KB
3 create triplet.jpg 28.03 KB


The crash is fixed. Thanks.

Now, it remains that the triplet symbol (number 3 and bracket) in standard staff is deleted by

1) adding the linked tab staff 6-st. Simple
str simple.jpg

2) entering the notes in the triplet with tab staff Common and Full

Deleted crochet.jpg

It's a minor thing: you may drag and drop afterwards another triplet symbol created elsewhere in the score.
Moreover, it is very unlikely that this scenario happens frequently.

So we stay here?

Attachment Size
triolet.jpg 6.84 KB
Deleted crochet.jpg 13.42 KB
str simple.jpg 10.69 KB

I can, of course!
Marc (or Lasconic) are agree or not? This deserves to be reported?
There may be other priorities today! And, as I said, it's a little thing, right?