
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Autoplace: slurs intersect accidentals shoogle 1 5 years ago
Issue Autoplace: slurs intersect cross staff beams shoogle 2 5 years ago
Issue Autoplace: slurs intersect stems in other voices at start segment shoogle 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Accessibility: Exaggerated Playback mode shoogle 2 5 years ago
Issue Improvements to the mixer GUI gsagostinho 7 5 years ago
Issue Download Archives missing versions above 3.0.5 on OSUSOL, version below 3.0.2 missing on GitHub releases Riaan van Niekerk 11 5 years ago
Forum topic Theory Group Rockhoven 14 5 years ago
Blog GSoC 2019: Week 7 joshwd36 1 5 years ago
Issue Albums: joining scores resets beam adjustments shoogle 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Stable version to Linux... When? jotape1960 10 5 years ago
Issue Mixer: size issues geetar 12 5 years ago
Forum topic accessibility of reading scores - MuseScore v3 andreaggalass1 3 5 years ago
Issue The "Breaks & Spacers" palette has lost its colors cadiz1 7 5 years ago
Forum topic Hebrew language ofragon 50 5 years ago
Blog GSoC 2019: Week 2 joshwd36 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Great success writing book-like score in 3.1! [DELETED] 1831606 11 5 years ago
Issue Frames: allow absolute units for size and gap shoogle 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Frame sizes in relative or absolute units? shoogle 8 5 years ago
Issue 'vanity' URLs for howtos Jojo-Schmitz 4 5 years ago
Blog GSoC 2019 : Week 2 - TreeView with a model using QAbstractItemModel AnandHemachandran 1 5 years ago
Blog GSoC 2019: Week 1 joshwd36 4 5 years ago
Forum topic Using musescore's sound engine ecstrema 3 5 years ago
Blog GSoC 2019: Improvements to Instrument Changes joshwd36 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Better Musical User Interfaces ericfontainejazz 65 5 years ago
Forum topic Inspector properties: indicating and updating style values shoogle 2 5 years ago