Marc Sabatella

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Image resize not correctly honoring aspect ratio and staff space unit settings M.Thum 48 3 years ago
Issue CNTRL Selecting multiple notes in score Crash diragusa 1 3 years ago
Issue Master gain should be saved if it isn't default Howard-C 2 3 years ago
Forum topic Change Beam Appearance [DELETED] 32872726 24 3 years ago
Forum topic Bug with saving tremolo azumbrunn 14 3 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 3.4.2 on OpenSuse Leap 15.2: Palettes won't show up after update of operating system lureli 11 3 years ago
Forum topic New music notation font kuribas 36 3 years ago
Forum topic Hairpins and playback Ali Wood 7 3 years ago
Issue MusicXML percussion staves get imported using piano sound Marc Sabatella 5 3 years ago
Issue "Don't Break" element creates hole at end of system Marc Sabatella 7 3 years ago
Issue Export parts ONLY 20 3 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 3 not opening Jane Whaley 3 3 years ago
Forum topic . 12517074 89 3 years ago
Forum topic Crashes on XML Import johannovak7 5 3 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.5 Crashes Constantly reedmcalpin 23 3 years ago
Issue the view is strange kizkis 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Connection midikeyboard Problems utombrock 8 3 years ago
Issue Problem with Explode BrowMV 5 3 years ago
Issue Installed the new update today 11/11/20 and now it won't open at all. What should I do? looloo2005ew 5 3 years ago
Issue Stacatissimo shortcut SLJK 1 3 years ago
Forum topic Saving custom palettes izzychns 4 3 years ago
Forum topic How to have different key signatures in different clefs? dwb92 15 3 years ago
Forum topic Microsoft Store Update Gregory Stringer 4 3 years ago
Issue Musescore softlocks when you try to change the size of the preferences window katawan10 13 3 years ago
Forum topic Had to revert to MuseScore 3.3.4 to continue playing my scores. David Bangs 3 3 years ago