Pasting tremolo between dotted notes leads to wrong rhythm
#278964: Tremolo copy & paste results in wrong note types supposedly fixed this problem but it now exists in version 3.2.3 so I'm calling it a regression rather than reopening the old issue.
This is a picture of a sample copied and pasted:
It is from this file: copy tremolo.mscz
To reproduce this bug
enter two dotted notes of the same duration but different notes
apply a tremolo between notes
Copy the complete tremolo
paste (so it stays in a measure)
Result: measure is corrupted. There is an undotted base note tied to the second note of the tremolo.
Workaround: don't copy, just make it from scratch.
This was brought up in
Came up again in
Fixed in branch 3.x, commit 6bbdab8178
fix #292393 : Pasting tremolo between dotted notes leads to wrong rhythm
Fixed in branch 3.x, commit f0b24ae888
_Merge pull request #5774 from AntonioBL/tremolopaste
fix #292393 : Pasting tremolo between dotted notes leads to wrong rhythm_
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.