Selection lost when inserting bars with multimeasure rests enable

• Nov 26, 2015 - 18:31
S4 - Minor

I think this belongs here.

The title says it.

It would be useful for a bar to remain the focus so one can add more than one bar without re-selecting the area.


Title MS loses focus when (insert) adding bars to multibar rest. Selection lost when inserting bars with multimeasure rests enable

Hmm, it's worse than that, it seems. It doesn't even work correctly if the measure being inserted if *not* in a multimeasure rest - as long as the rests are enabled, the selection is lost regardless of where the measure is inserted:

1) my first score
2) fill first three measures with notes
3) press "M" to enable mmrests
4) select second measure
5) press "Ins"

Result: measure is inserted but selection is lost. If you skip step "M", the selection is preserved.

Anyhow, this suggests one workaround for now - press "M" to disable the multimeasure rests, insert the measures, then press "M" again to re-enable the rests. Also, in case you didn't know, you can add multiple bars at once with Ctrl+ins (Add / Measures / Insert Measures)