Swap 4/4, C or Cut time if there is another time signature further in the score crashes the program. Also happens when changing from 4/4 to 2/4

• Jan 9, 2019 - 22:34
Reported version
P0 - Critical
S2 - Critical

OS: Windows 7 SP 1 (6.1), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 6d522ee

1) Grand staff Template, and organize the time signatures like this (no matter if it's C, or 4/4 or Cut time, in second position - image below)
2) Generate parts
3) Drag and drop C time signature, or Cut time, in the measure indicated with 4/4 time signature.

Result: crash


Title Swap 4/4, C and Cut time if there is another time signature further in the score crashes the program Swap 4/4, C or Cut time if there is another time signature further in the score crashes the program
Title Swap 4/4, C or Cut time if there is another time signature further in the score crashes the program Also happens when changing from 4/4 to 2/4

I have a piece in 4/4, into which I need to add a single of bar of 2/4. As soon as I add the 2/4, the time signature is presented twice. I have tried all combinations of the order in which I insert the signatures, and I get the same error each time. See bar 58 of the attached. When I open the file, the single 2/4 is shown, but as soon as I save the additional 2/4 gets shown. On the 'choir' part the duplicate signature is shown at file open.

Attachment Size
Joshua_fit_de_battle2.mscz 56.17 KB
Status PR created fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit 2b218a71d1

fix #281504: fix issues with replacing time signatures with equal duration

These issues include:
- Replacing 4/4 to C leads to a crash in score with parts if there
is another time signature after 4/4 (see #281504).
- Replacing 4/4 to C leads to a crash in the same configuration
without parts if MM rests are enabled.
- Replacing 4/4 to C on MM rest has no effect (in situations where
it does not lead to a crash).
- Adding a time signature from palette after creating parts
produces time signatures which are not linked between parts and
master score. This also breaks replacing equal duration time
signatures in this case.

Fixed in branch master, commit 7fa80b8601

Merge pull request #4561 from dmitrio95/281504-timesig-parts-mmrest-crash-and-links

fix #281504: fix issues with replacing time signatures with equal duration

Fixed in branch 3.0.1, commit aa852dad3b

Merge pull request #4561 from dmitrio95/281504-timesig-parts-mmrest-crash-and-links

fix #281504: fix issues with replacing time signatures with equal duration

Fix version