Marc Sabatella

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Deleting a barline in main score will not delete the barline in parts ericfontainejazz 9 5 years ago
Issue Linked staves become not linked if part is removed dmitrio95 5 5 years ago
Issue Frames: Inserting measures causes a crash geetar 10 5 years ago
Issue Allow for muting voices in mixer mike320 17 5 years ago
Issue Lyric Placement Nic Nipp 3 5 years ago
Issue Crash opening score that works in version 2 shoogle 10 5 years ago
Issue Not bad for second beta JeanLossel 2 5 years ago
Issue Stuck in note placement after CMD-3 to place triplet Austin Harning 1 5 years ago
Issue Musescore 3.0 export error Gertjan Veenstra 2 5 years ago
Forum topic File conversion rolonon 10 5 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.0 Beta: Playback starts always from begin even when a meausure is selected stephanie4 9 5 years ago
Issue Continuous View: Volta changes Tempo of Playback pthvogt 29 5 years ago
Issue Part updated incorrectly after insert note in score Marc Sabatella 7 5 years ago
Issue Editing a note and revert to two staves after deleting one leads to a crash eljakim 6 5 years ago
Issue Copy paste tuplet across barlines causes corruption Laurelin 7 5 years ago
Issue System text from 2.3.2 imported as staff text (preventing to hide otherwise empty staff) chen lung 15 5 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 2.3.2 compatibility Unknown Prodigy 5 5 years ago
Forum topic New palette item mike320 3 5 years ago
Forum topic How to remap the key for melisma Simon Giddings 8 5 years ago
Forum topic Minim tremolo _xXx_Pug_xXx_ 10 5 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore Object Model luizcrodrigues 17 5 years ago
Issue Separate line for single note cresc/dim Laurelin 1 5 years ago
Issue Rests have collided with notes in a multi-voice staff geetar 1 5 years ago
Issue Adjusting MIDI delay from a larger value to a smaller value while playing causes a crash Ron Southworth 2 5 years ago
Issue Manual adjustment to system divider (including making invisible) lost on save Marc Sabatella 6 5 years ago