
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Multiple text elements are added on a chord Howard-C 22 4 years ago
Issue An issue of deciding stem lengths with tremolos Howard-C 8 4 years ago
Issue No or wrong text styles assigned to subtitle, composer, lyricist, name of the part in parts of scores imported from MuseScore 2 Guenther.Radlherr 20 4 years ago
Forum topic Crescendo Arpicembalo 17 4 years ago
Issue Time Signature Properties: Note Groups cannot be read Miwarre 17 4 years ago
Forum topic Inspector Shoichi 7 4 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 4 design and concept proposal MaBlo 70 4 years ago
Blog GSoC 2020 Week 2 BC (Before Coding): Repeats, Rests, and Counting Overview Isaac Weiss 16 4 years ago
Issue Soundfont Folder window not On Top chen lung 4 4 years ago
Issue pb triolet simon marcel 2 4 years ago
Issue Possibly corrupt score Faulknermusic 5 4 years ago
Issue Text Style vertical option is saving wrong value when saving Style olibarrios 3 4 years ago
Issue Double-click on text of text line to edit text spinality 12 4 years ago
Issue Program does not open. Cortney M 7 4 years ago
Issue Repeats in album Vyšata 7 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.5 Alpha Anatoly-os 71 4 years ago
Issue Crash when changing local time signature to another one with same duration Howard-C 9 4 years ago
Issue Disable save prompt for empty scores Howard-C 21 4 years ago
Issue Invisible accidentals take space Asmatzaile 17 4 years ago
Issue Changing octaves for ambiti doesn't work correctly Howard-C 4 4 years ago
Issue "Line thickness" parameter of ambitus is not working properly ciospe 9 4 years ago
Forum topic Workspace Manager Howard-C 1 4 years ago
Issue Palettes: give all elements unique names shoogle 21 4 years ago
Issue Allow user to select flats or sharps for enharmonic key signatures mike320 15 4 years ago
Forum topic Show Page Settings in the Inspector MaBlo 25 4 years ago