Marc Sabatella

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Musescore 3.0 automatically adds unnecessary clefs and key signature when changing clefs in one stave thomasisterrib… 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Play mode autumnlocke 1 4 years ago
Issue Scores fail to be played or downloaded Fritz Scheiber 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Copywright setting cadams 6 4 years ago
Forum topic individual measure size spence317 5 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.0 Beta Release Anatoly-os 174 4 years ago
Forum topic Replace e.g. "mp" by "mf" in same location by direct substitution dhfx 2 4 years ago
Forum topic No «Measure» option in the format/style menu ericathlan1 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Every launch of the Windows Store version acts like it's the first launch dlkulp 16 4 years ago
Forum topic Is this the result I should get when using regroup rhythms? xavierjazz 10 4 years ago
Forum topic Patches list in txt or any other format alfredoyung 5 4 years ago
Forum topic changing instrument Sary Mohammed 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Microtonal / Just Intonation notation playback for musescore 3 000masa000 5 4 years ago
Issue Assertion failure on adding instrument change in score with parts dmitrio95 16 4 years ago
Issue Sporadic Crash when dragging a 'Brace' from palette to score using Bravura Tantacrul 13 4 years ago
Forum topic Connection 8th note triplets (Shuffle) with 1 horizontal bar Enrico Garcia 4 4 years ago
Forum topic Hairpins are being ignored? Mark West 3 9 4 years ago
Forum topic Mid-staff instrument change name Sergio Acevedo 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Cannot set any API, Device, MIDI input and MIDI Output in PortAudio group in I/O Tab in MuseScore Preference Window. MarekStrachacki 6 4 years ago
Forum topic comlicated metric stuff Vincento 4 4 years ago
Forum topic Y-Offset of Cresc/Dim Lines [DELETED] 37627 4 4 years ago
Issue Mejoras Ariel Martín Bellio 2 4 years ago
Issue Provide option to control Marcato playback geetar 6 4 years ago
Issue Lines don't scale worldwideweary 8 4 years ago
Forum topic Where is the STart Centre Sandra Doyle 9 4 years ago