
Title API compatibility Category Author
"BigTime": Large time signatures 3.x, 4.x Text RunasSudo
"MoSyNum Note Names in C major or C minor"
"Pipeband - On The Beat" Plugin for Bagpipe Playback Correction 3.x, 4.x Playback Kate.Dudek
11EDO Orgone[7] Tuning 3.x, 4.x Playback alexandruianu
12 Hole Ocarina Fingering 4.x Simplified notation BasvdL
12/17/19 EDO Tuning 4.x Playback jacobdill
19 TET Tuning 3.x Playback AvgLink
2 PLUGINS FOR DIATONIC ACCORDION 3.x Other, Simplified notation MichelCome
22EDO Tuner 3.x, 4.x Playback looptailG
27ED4 Nelindic 3.x, 4.x Playback alexandruianu
3 row accordion fingering 2.x Other hendriksteyaert
31EDO Tuner 3.x, 4.x Playback looptailG
5 to 117 EDO Retuning & Transposing Plugins Suite 3.x Accidentals, Playback matt28
A diatonic accordion tablature plugin / Tablature pour accordéon diatonique 3.x Other Jean-Michel B
Abadi -aljoher 3.x Other 91rambo91
ABC Export 3.x Export jeetee
ABC Import 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Import [DELETED] 5
ABC Import/Export 3.x Export, Import mist13
Acciaccatura Before the Beat 3.x Playback Bl_Ahk_Coffee
Accidental Tuner 3.x Accidentals, Playback gildebert
Action chain to shortcut 3.x Composing tools ecstrema
Add and remove courtesy accidentals 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Accidentals heuchi
Add Chord choosing from symbols chord list 1.x Chord symbols mauro9160
Add comments to a score 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Other [DELETED] 5
Add Jianpu numbers as text (lyrics): 五线谱->简谱 3.x, 4.x Simplified notation, Text Justin Lau Hui Liang
Add metronome part 3.x, 4.x Other, Playback sal.vador
Add Note-Name Noteheads 2.x Notes & Rests jensm
Add solfa names as lyrics (movable Do; La or Do based minor; chromatic alteration) 3.x Text msfp
Add Staff 1.x Marc Sabatella
Advanced Tuplets 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests XiaoMigros
Align 3.x, 4.x Export, Composing tools Marc Sabatella
Alter Color 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests michael_ellis
Alternate Flute Fingerings 3.x Accidentals, Notes & Rests, Text parkingb
Alto Recorder Tablature 1.x dynup
Anchors for Dynamics and Hairpins 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests, Playback msfp
Anglo Concertina C/G Tablature 3.x, 4.x Chord symbols bosmangliwice
Annotations 3.x Analysis, Composing tools, Text jeetee
Arpeggiator 3.x Batch processing, Notes & Rests, Playback undcov
Arrange Parts 1.x cwhysall
Articulation and Ornamentation Control 3.x Playback [DELETED] 1831606
ASCII Tab Export 3.x Export bollandj
Ascii Tablature Convertor 2.x Convertor fotisDil
Audiveris 1.x Convertor Canon Derrick
Auto Accompaniment 2.x Notes & Rests bazhenoff
Auto-Slur Melismas 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests, Other XiaoMigros
AutoBeam 2.x Batch processing kjav
Automatic Chord Identifier (MuseScore 2) Analysis, Chord symbols, Composing tools rousselmanu
AutoSlur Melismas 3.x Other __mikes__
BalancedTree MagicChords Harmony Finder 1.x Analysis, Chord symbols anatoly.gorbunov
BandInMuseScore - Accompaniment generator from chords 2.x, 3.x Export, Composing tools, Convertor, Playback, Simplified notation, Third-party integration berteh
Bandoneon 142 Rheinische Fingering 3.x Notes & Rests adsllcoh
Barbershop Checker 3.x, 4.x Analysis animikatamon
Barbershop Harmonizer 3.x, 4.x Composing tools znarf94
Baroque Trills Engraver 3.x Notes & Rests, Other sammik
Basic Pitch Flipper 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests Ninja Nolan
Batch Convert 1.x, 2.x, 3.x Batch processing, Export, Convertor, Import Marc Sabatella
Batch Transpose 3.x Batch processing, Convertor elsewhere
Bells Used Chart 1.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Text nickb
Bombarde et Biniou Koz Tablature Sib 1.x Composing tools patrick.sauger
Brass fingering 1.x Other underquark
Brass Fingering and Trombone slide position 3.x benjamin.dogon
Brass fingering and trombone slide positions 2.x Text runekamel
Brass Fingering Plugin abels mod 3.x Notes & Rests superabels
Brass Fingerings and Slide Positions (Trumpet; Trombone; Euphonium; Tuba) 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Text babecka
BrassFingering 2.x Chord symbols Minitubist
Brass_Fingering 2.x SlowLoris
CastOff - Fix all systems to 2, 4, or 8 measures (casting off) 3.x Other mr.jacob.bloom
Cautionary Accidentals 3.x, 4.x Accidentals, Composing tools, Notes & Rests XiaoMigros
Cello fingering plugin 3.x Simplified notation Thomas Tombinha
Center Stem-Side Staccatos Over the Notehead 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Other XiaoMigros
Check for parallel fifths and octaves 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Proof reading heuchi
Check Fux Counterpoint 1.x Analysis, Composing tools, Proof reading Roland Bouman
Check harmony against actual Bach-chorale chord voicings in a SATB piece. 3.x Proof reading bliston
Check Harmony Rules 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Proof reading c3yvonne7
Chord Chart 1.x Chord symbols Jojo-Schmitz
Chord ID and Roman numeral analysis 3.x Analysis, Chord symbols, Text msfp
Chord Identifier (Musescore 2.0) 2.x Chord symbols ben._
Chord Identifier (Musescore 2.3) 2.x Chord symbols xx_kk
Chord Identifier (MuseScore 3 port) 3.x Chord symbols dmitrio95
Chord Identifier (Pop & Jazz) 3.x, 4.x Analysis animikatamon
Chord Identifier Special V3 3.x, 4.x Chord symbols Ziya Mete Demircan
Chord Level Filter 3.x, 4.x Composing tools .ash86
Chord Level Selector 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests worldwideweary
Chord Symbols style 3.x ecstrema
Chromatic button accordion, right hand 3.x, 4.x Chord symbols, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation gitbra
Clarineau Fingering from Kunath 2.x Notes & Rests matthius
Clarinet Easy Alternate Fingerings for Extra Help 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests babecka
Clarinet plugin for Musescore 2.x Notes & Rests matthius
Color all Half Step Notes (Sharps & Flats) Red 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x [DELETED] 13216
Color Melody Notes 3.x Notes & Rests rocchio
Color Notes 6-6 Pitch Pattern 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation PaulMorris
Color notes diatonic - names based (Hook Theory, and more) 3.x Notes & Rests sammik
Color notes diatonic - pitch based (Hook Theory, and more) 3.x Notes & Rests sammik
Color notes like Yamaha Tyros 5 2.x skunt
Color Strings for Cello 2.x Simplified notation Acidy
Color the notes of each voice 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Proof reading ozcaveman
Color/Uncolor Notes v2 & v1.2 1.x, 2.x Chord symbols, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation Djamana
ColorNotes_tpc 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests Ziya Mete Demircan
Colorstrings 1.x Simplified notation underquark
Command palette [Archived] 3.x Composing tools ecstrema
Concertina Tablature 1.x RichHelms
Convert a natural minor key to either harmonic or melodic 1.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests johnhenry
Convert Chord Symbols To Nashville numbers or Roman numerals 3.x, 4.x elsewhere
Convert Fingerings to Staff Text 3.x, 4.x Convertor elsewhere
Convert leadsheet to Impro-Visor playalong file 1.x JazzClub
Convert Scores into Plugins 1.x Composing tools avronp
Convert Staff Text to Fingerings 3.x elsewhere
Convert XML leadsheets to Impro-Visor playalong files (batch) 1.x GordonS
Copy Special 4.x Batch processing .ash86
Copy Staff 2.x Notes & Rests bazhenoff
Copy/Fill from "a2/div" style score 2.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests jeetee
Count Notes (Create performance notes from score commonly used in Handbell scores) 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Analysis [DELETED] 13216
Count notes’ beats in each measure 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Other mirabilos
Counterpoint Analyzer 3.x Analysis, Other odelphi231
Counterpoint Check v0.451ms3 2.x, 3.x Analysis, Composing tools, Other, Proof reading Rogerio Constante
Create Chords 1.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests johnhenry
Creative Commons License Generator 1.x KoRnKloWn
Crescendo or Diminuendo Note Velocities 1.x Playback KoRnKloWn
Cue Notes 1.x, 2.x Notes & Rests, Playback Marc Sabatella
Curly Quotes 3.x Text David Bolton
DAA Strum Stick 2.x Simplified notation Jeffrey Edwards
Daily Log 3.x File management jeetee
DebugTools using a log file to debug plugins 4.x dominiqueverriere
Deep Bach 2.x bjmcdowell829
DeepBach 2.x Composing tools Yannick Chambre
Detect simple harmonies (Major, minor, Septime) 1.x Analysis merte
Diatonic accordion tablature 1.x Other Papipio
Diminished harmonica 2.x Text bazhenoff
Display music as koto/shamisen notation 3.x Third-party integration beuranr
Display music as shakuhachi notation 3.x Third-party integration beuranr
DoubleTime 1.x Notes & Rests underquark
DoubleTime 3.0 3.x Notes & Rests alexsanchezst
Doubletime_v2_0 2.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests Doctor Vegetable
Drop2+: extends drop2 to most common chord types & voicings 3.x, 4.x Composing tools elsewhere
Drum Grooves Notes & Rests avronp
Drumset Patterns 4.x Composing tools PitDadPhil
Dulcimer Tab 2.x, 3.x Keith Onstad
Dulcimer Tools 3.x Convertor rocchio
Duration Editor 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests parkingb
Dynamics actions 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests, Playback, Text msfp
Element Analyser 3.x, 4.x Analysis parkingb
Enharmonics: Replace chosen accidentals with their enharmonic 3.x, 4.x Accidentals elsewhere
Erasing "fret diagrams" to allow complete transposition of a score 3.x, 4.x Batch processing, Chord symbols ILPEPITO
Erhu Numbered Notation 1.x tcbnhrs
Erhu Numbered Notation V2 and V4 2.x, 4.x Notes & Rests yu1row
Euclidean Rhythm Plugin 3.x, 4.x Composing tools parkingb
Evenly Distribute Systems Across Pages 3.x, 4.x XiaoMigros
Expand chord symbols into notes 3.x Chord symbols markshepherd
Explode / Implode 1.x Marc Sabatella
Explode Parts 1.x Composing tools cwhysall
Export Audio with Metronome 3.x Export XiaoMigros
Export layout breaks to parts 3.x, 4.x Other ecstrema
Export to Blackbinder 3.x Export Blackbinder
ExportNumbersNLetters 3.x Export, Simplified notation Studi11
ExportStaffMP3s 3.x Export, Playback Studi11
Expression Dictionary 3.x Composing tools, Text msfp
Fiddle Fingering for musescore 2.x Simplified notation Christophe Corsi
Fiddle/violin fingering 1.x Simplified notation lalov
Fifth Generated Tuner 4.x Playback looptailG
Fifths-based tuning Playback jlmoriart
Figurenotes Shapes and Colours 4.x Simplified notation CaptainNerdBeard
Fill (chosen) voices in a selection with (chosen) tuplet 3.x elsewhere
Fill voices with rests 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests elsewhere
Fingering Colors 2.x Notes & Rests unbob
Fingering Diagram 3.x Chord symbols, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation eduardomourar
Fingering positioner 2.x CombatCube
Fit Scale 3.x Analysis, Composing tools theta-lin
Fix to Line 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests XiaoMigros
FLMScore - MuseScore Editing for FL Studio 4.x Export amac_26629
Force all chord symbols to a chosen staff 3.x Chord symbols elsewhere
Frap Tools Usta Seqencer Export 3.x Export LunetIX
French Beams 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests XiaoMigros
Fretboard 3.x, 4.x Other dmitrio95
Fretboard Violin 3.x, 4.x Other moisesinzg
Functional Harmony > Functional Colors 3.x Analysis, Composing tools, Notes & Rests AFlatSound
Generate Notes from Chords annotations 2.x Chord symbols, Composing tools berteh
German Fingerling 1.x Simplified notation Jeffrey Edwards
German note names and fingering for brass 1.x Notes & Rests Minitubist
Giulia duchini duchinigiulia
Griffschrift for Accordion 2.x, 3.x Chord symbols, Simplified notation Jojo-Schmitz
HalfTime 1.x Notes & Rests underquark
Halftime for MuseScore 2 2.x Composing tools turion
HandleVoice 1.x Notes & Rests Papageno
Harmonia v0.121 2.x Analysis, Composing tools, Other, Proof reading Rogerio Constante
Harmonia v0.13ms3 3.x Analysis, Composing tools, Other, Proof reading Rogerio Constante
Harmonic Interval names 1.x Analysis, Composing tools, Proof reading Roland Bouman
Harmonic Intervals in Counterpoint v0.21 2.x, 3.x Analysis, Composing tools, Other, Proof reading Rogerio Constante
Harmonic Scale Tuner 4.x Playback looptailG
Harmonica Tablature (Harp) 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text [DELETED] 5
Harmonica tablature generation ver 3.0 3.x Notes & Rests untei
Harmonica Tablature revised edition 1.x, 2.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text untei
Harmony analysis tool (keys, chords and harmonies) 3.x Analysis, Composing tools hstanekovic
Harp Color Notes by Pedal 2.x, 3.x kzh
Harp Pedal Diagram 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Other [DELETED] 5
Harp Pedal Diagram 1.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text iancboswell
Harp Pedal Diagram (Musescore 2.x) 2.x kzh
Harp Pedals Diagram 2.x Other Heather Cornelius
Hide Rehearsal Mark Measure Numbers 3.x Other RunasSudo
Hohner Soprano Recorder German Fingering 2.x, 3.x Other, Text Juan Pedro Paredes Caballero
Home merveillemalo
Humanize (batch edit Velocity and Tuning) 3.x Notes & Rests, Playback msfp
IEEE 1599 Export 2.x, 3.x Export luca.ludovico
IEEE 1599 Export for Musescore 3.x 2.x, 3.x Export luca.ludovico
Insert Tempo at the beginning of a score 2.x Playback SightReadingSounds
InstrumentPartDetails 1.x avronp
Integer notation (pitch class) or numbered notation (Jianpu) 4.x Simplified notation, Text Phaigo_
iRealb - A plugin to convert a MusicXML file into a iRealb chart 1.x Batch processing, Export, Convertor, Third-party integration dwright
iRealPro 2.x Chord symbols Norman Schmidt
Jianpu Numbered Notation 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation tcbnhrs
Jianpu Numbered Notation 2.x Simplified notation tcbnhrs
Just Intonation 3.x Playback fernandoamartin
Just intonation of a single note based on entering ratios relative to another note 3.x Notes & Rests, Other rahulpeter
Kalimba Note Name Notation 3.x Notes & Rests yu1row
Keyboard chord inversions for a single selected chord (spanning 1 or 2 staves) 3.x, 4.x Chord symbols elsewhere
Keyboard Diagrams 3.x, 4.x Chord symbols pearcec
Keyboard View Score 1.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation robson_cozendey
Koto Notation 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests tcbnhrs
Koto Notation 2.x tcbnhrs
LigatureBracket 3.x, 4.x jonarnold
Lilypond Lyrics 3.x, 4.x Text nanchoalvarez
List the measures following the repeat list 2.x vgStef
Load files created with MuseScore 4 in MuseScore 3 3.x Export, Import ILPEPITO
Loop Audio Player 3.x Composing tools, Playback msfp
Makeshift REPL plugin function tester 3.x Other msfp
Mark missing courtesy accidentals 1.x heuchi
MEI Export 3.x Export ahankinson
Merge Voices : 4 into 1 3.x Simplified notation yonah_ag
Micro-interval tuning 1.x Miwarre
MicroModulator 4.x Accidentals, Composing tools, Playback Hachem-H
Midi Instrument Training 2.x Other jbd
MIDI Sight Reader 1.x, 2.x Other DonH
Mirror Intervals 2.x, 3.x Composing tools billhails
Mixer Minimalistic Style 3.x Playback msfp
Modal Tuning 3.x Playback fernandoamartin
Modal Tuning 4.x Playback fernandoamartin
Modifications for 'Parallels' Plugins 3.x, 4.x Proof reading sittingBugle
Modulator 3.x, 4.x Composing tools madjyc
Mountain Dulcimer - Convert to Diatonic TAB 3.x Convertor rocchio
Mountain Dulcimer - SMN to Diatonic TAB 3.x Convertor rocchio
Movable Do 3.x Text nyama39
Move Selection 3.x, 4.x Composing tools .ash86
MuseLab: Real-time collaboration 3.x File management, Notes & Rests, Third-party integration XiaoMigros
MuseScore Command Parser 3.x Other calculuswhiz
MuseScore JukeBox Player 3.x Playback yonah_ag
MuseScore Navigation 3.x Composing tools, Other TrebledJ
MuseScore to DARMS export plugin 3.x, 4.x Export vincemusica
MuseScore To-Do List 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Other, Text TrebledJ
Music "Serializer" 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests Matthew D'Alonzo
Music Search 3.x Analysis elsewhere
MusicaFicta 3.x, 4.x Accidentals jonarnold
Musicalion Upload manager 3.x Export gerhard.muellritter
Musicxml Parser 3.x Analysis elsewhere
Mustaq Import 2.x Import nandopen
Mute, unmute and solo actions 3.x Playback msfp
NAF 6 Hole estherspuppy
Naive Courtesy Accidental Adder 4.x Accidentals technically_not
Naïve graphical fingering for brass 3.x Chord symbols, Other sittingBugle
Name notes 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text mirabilos
Native American Flute 2.x Simplified notation Jeffrey Edwards
Native American Flute fingering 1.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation [DELETED] 5
Negative harmony for voicings 3.x elsewhere
Negative Harmony Generator 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests rahulpeter
Negative Harmony Generator (midi file) 3.x Notes & Rests rahulpeter
New Retrograde 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests ellejohara
Next inversion: replaces all chord(s) in (keyboard) selection with their next inversion 3.x, 4.x elsewhere
Nn2GS - Normalnoten zu Griffschrift für Steirische Harmonika 3.x, 4.x Convertor nurfz
Note duration actions 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests, Playback msfp
Note List 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Export, Notes & Rests rgos
Note Names 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Jojo-Schmitz
Note Names Solfege 4.x Composing tools moisesinzg
Note Numbers 3.x mpvick
Note Velocities Displayed as Staff Text 2.x Notes & Rests Sambaji
NoteMapper Pitch-Transformation Plugins 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests PaulSC
Notes from Chord texts 2.x Chord symbols, Composing tools, Notes & Rests PerD
Notes names in french 2.x Analysis sterzock
ObjectExplorer V2.0 3.x Analysis wk275
Parsons Code Exporter 2.x Export, Convertor jeetee
Parts List 3.x Export, Other, Text John Asendorf
Paste Grid 3.x Chord symbols, Notes & Rests parkingb
Piano finger exercises 3.x Analysis, Other elsewhere
Piano keyboard diagram 3.x Chord symbols, Simplified notation piersyl
Pitch and Rhythm Transformer 3.x, 4.x Composing tools .ash86
Pivot Chords 2.x Composing tools billhails
Pivot Chords 3.x Composing tools Sunny2019
PIYiPad 1.x Export, Convertor Deltagirl
PIYiPhone 1.x Export Deltagirl
Play all channels+voices in all open scores in succession 3.x Batch processing, Playback harrie_the_bass
Plugin Console 1.x [DELETED] 5
Plugin embellishing harmony (chord symbols) for jazz lead sheets in the 4-note voicing idiom 3.x elsewhere
Plugin Utilities 3.x Other calculuswhiz
Porcupine Tunings 3.x Convertor jlmoriart
PruneStack 2.x, 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests
Quarter Tone (24 TET) Tuning 3.x Accidentals, Playback AvgLink
Quarter Tone Playback 2.x Accidentals, Composing tools, Playback gildebert
Queerfloetengriffe h8nbfqhywd
Quena (Bolivia) fingering 3.x Notes & Rests tcbnhrs
Quena fingering 2.x tcbnhrs
querfloetengriffe 4.x Notes & Rests h8nbfqhywd
Querflötengriffe toobytoobsen
Random Notes Generator 2.x DonH
Realign Repeat Dots for Finale Maestro & Broadway Fonts 4.x Other XiaoMigros
ReBeamer 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests XiaoMigros
Recorder fingering 1.x [DELETED] 5
Recorder Fingering 3.x Text yonah_ag
Recorder Tablature 1.x, 3.x Notes & Rests dvescobedo
Recorder tablature updated 2.x, 3.x Fenjuh
Rehearsal Mark Renumber Plugin 4.x Convertor TDYama
Rehearsal marks management 3.x Text ecstrema
Remove All Empty Measures 3.x, 4.x Other Clint Box
Remove notes color 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests [DELETED] 5
Repair Assistant 3.x, 4.x Jojo-Schmitz
Repeating bars coloring 2.x, 3.x Other Marta Morticia
Replace chord symbols 3.x, 4.x elsewhere
Reset Dialog Positions 2.x, 3.x Other jeetee
Reset Note Velocities (Dynamics) to user selected value 1.x [DELETED] 13216
Respell Rhythms 3.x Composing tools, Convertor elsewhere
Retrograde 1.x, 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests [DELETED] 5
Roll Voicing 4.x Batch processing, Composing tools, Notes & Rests .ash86
Romaji to Hiragana Converter 3.x Convertor, Other, Text Ima Dorkface
Romaji to Hiragana Converter, new Version 3.x Convertor, Other, Text dragonwithafez
Romaji to Katakana converter 3.x Convertor, Other, Text dragonwithafez
SATB-style lead sheet harmonizer 3.x, 4.x Composing tools elsewhere
Save individual notes to audio for creating samples 3.x Batch processing, Export, Convertor, Playback ILPEPITO
sax tab 4.x Other grayalexander
Saxophone Fingering 1.x dragonauta
Saxophone fingerings 3.x, 4.x Other ecstrema
Scale Workout Builder 3.x Composing tools, Other parkingb
Scales 1.x Accidentals, Playback Miwarre
Scordatura 3.x Notes & Rests sammik
Score Chunker 3.x Convertor yonah_ag
Score Duration 3.x, 4.x Analysis, File management XiaoMigros
Score from Template 3.x File management parkingb
Score list of scales 1.x Notes & Rests avronp
Score Overview 2.x Other stevel05
Score Statistics 1.x Analysis, Composing tools Miwarre
Score Statistics 4.0 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Export, Notes & Rests rgos
Score Versioning 3.x File management Anhre
ScoreNotes 3.x Notes & Rests avronp
Seagull Merlin - CheckNotes 2.x Simplified notation Jeffrey Edwards
Second Viennese School 3.x, 4.x Accidentals, Notes & Rests XiaoMigros
Select Hand 2.x tfrancoi
Select overlapping tied notes 3.x, 4.x Batch processing, Notes & Rests ILPEPITO
Set Whole Bar Rest Unvisible 2.x Notes & Rests olivo
Shakuhachi notation 2.x Notes & Rests tcbnhrs
Shakuhachi Notation, Fingering 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation tcbnhrs
Shamisen/Sangen Notation 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests tcbnhrs
Shape notes - Sacred Harp & Aiken 1.x, 2.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation [DELETED] 5
Shinobue notation 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests tcbnhrs
Shinobue notation 2.x tcbnhrs
Show ticks 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Other mirabilos
ShowNumbersNLetters 3.x Simplified notation Studi11
Shuffle Notes 3.x Composing tools elsewhere
Sight Reading Factory 3.x Third-party integration artsyfartsy92
Sight Reading Trainer 3.x Notes & Rests, Proof reading karsten.spriestersbach
silent Metronome 3.x Notes & Rests sittingBugle
Simple Notation creator (font: x-Vacle needed) 3.x, 4.x Accidentals, Analysis, Batch processing, Convertor, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text hungryCatCrying
Simple Note Frequency Statistics For V2.0 2.x Analysis 雪狼
Slash Notation Styles 1.x Marc Sabatella
Smart line-break plugin 3.x Other Luc Vidal
SMB Online Music Braille Converter 3.x Export Sao Mai Center
Snippet creator 1.x [DELETED] 5
Solo Analyzer 3.x, 4.x Analysis parkingb
SoundCloud 1.x [DELETED] 5
Specific bar and notation selection plugin 3.x, 4.x Playback joannew1t2c3
Split Measures Across a System 3.x, 4.x Composing tools, Other XiaoMigros
Tab Bold 3.x Notes & Rests yonah_ag
TAB Ring 3.x Playback yonah_ag
Tab Tools 3.x Notes & Rests yonah_ag
Tab Walk 3.x Analysis yonah_ag
Takadimi Rhythm 3.x Text yonah_ag
Tap BPM 4.x Playback, Text XiaoMigros
Tap tempo 3.x, 4.x Text parkingb
Tempo Actions 3.x Composing tools, Playback, Text msfp
Tempo Copy Paste (TempoCP) 4.x Convertor TDYama
TempoChanges 2.x, 3.x Playback jeetee
TempoStretch 3.x, 4.x Playback jeetee
TenorSax_Fingering 3.x Notes & Rests parkhausblink
Text editor for Lyrics 2.x Text Robbie Matthews
Time Signature Copy Paste 4.x Convertor TDYama
Time Signature Enforcer 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests jeetee
Tin Whistle Tab 1.x Composing tools seven
Tin Whistle Tablature 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Chord symbols Jon Gadsden
Tint Notes 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests moisesinzg
To be deleted Composing tools JasonVoo
to be deleted yul.musecore
Traditional Vocal Beaming 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Other heuchi
Transpose Lick to 12 Keys 3.x Composing tools paulwjonathan
Transpose To One Pitch 3.x Notes & Rests bmiller793
Transposer 3.x rsudama
Trombone Chords stefanflonner
Trombone Slide Positions and Notes English 1.x gatonero
Trumpet / Trombone Finger/Slide Plugin Simple and Under Notes 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests babecka
Trumpet Fingering and Notes English bevanrhock
Trumpet Fingering and Notes English 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests avcavc
Trumpet Valve Chords 4.x Text stefanflonner
Trumpet Valve Chords 4.x Text stefanflonner
Tune notes for playback with micro tonal intervals 1.x Daeavelwyn
Tuning Cents 2.x Playback HosAdeeb
Tuning Cents for MuseScore v. 3.x 3.x Accidentals, Playback HosAdeeb
Tuning in Hertz 4.x Playback piersyl
Tuning Note Cents 1.x Playback HosAdeeb
Tunings and Temperaments 2.x, 3.x Playback billhails
Tuplet Finder 3.x Analysis elsewhere
Turning any music into dodecaphony 3.x Convertor jotti
Two Row Diatonic Accordion Fingering 1.x matiss
UltraStar Export Plugin 2.x, 3.x Export Joseph Eoff
UPDATE 4.4 - Check for parallels 5th and 8ve 4.x Proof reading Corentin Richard
Version Numbers 1.x Other David Bolton
Violin Colour code 1.x, 2.x, 3.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation serge.tkint
Violin Fingering 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Simplified notation jeetee
Visual Diff Tool 2.x Analysis, Composing tools Stefan Straka
Visual representation of changes in two scores 3.x Analysis Anhre
Voice Velocity 2.x Playback billhails
VoiceCaster 1.x Notes & Rests underquark
Vowels to Notes 3.x Notes & Rests bmiller793
WalkingBass 4.x Chord symbols, Composing tools, Notes & Rests PitDadPhil
Waltz To Swing 3.x elsewhere
Wordle-for-MuseScore 3.x Other Snake4y5h
WORK SONG Jack_Miles
Xaphoon Tab Fingering 3.x Notes & Rests skunt
XaphoonTab - fingering for Xaphoon in C 2.x Notes & Rests skunt
Xentuner 4.x Accidentals, Playback Keenan Pepper
日本語歌詞入力 4.x Other bakajikara